Well...hello! Welcome to my homepage! Here you can learn more than you need to know about me and if you get "Jasmine overload" there are a lot of great links here so you can escape! *LOL*

First of all, I live in Hawaii! I'm a 53-year-old housewife/artisan of Japanese ancestry...(yes, housewife means I'm married *s*). I am first and foremost a creative person....not to mention one with a sense of humor...and very simpatico! Aquarian traits perhaps?

After working for over 15 years in retail management, I quit work to be home for my daughter, who is mentally handicapped, and found that I could finally use my University of Hawaii degree in fashion design to make extra money. Oh joy.... I finally have a "job" I love! I've been designing, sewing, and selling men's sportshirts and women's t-shirts and t-dresses for the past 16 years. Yes, the lowly t-shirt becomes a work of art after I'm done with it! They must be seen to be appreciated! Visit my SHIRT PAGE and see for yourself.

My favorites~

Please wait a couple of minutes for a special music clip...it's worth the wait if you'd like to hear the song that inspired my handle! "Jasmin" by Smokey Robinson

quietstorm, is another handle I've used and it's taken from another of Smokey's compositions, "Quietstorm"

Soft and warm....a quiet storm
Quiet as when flowers talk at break of dawn...
A power source.....of tender force
Generating, radiating....turn me on....

written by the Master of Metaphor, William "Smokey" Robinson

To hear short clips of a couple of my favorite Smokey tunes, click here for "Come to Me" and click here for "Quiet Storm".

Check out these sites!

Check out my tribute page to Smokey Robinson, a work in progress

Wonder "where I'm coming from" and where I hope to go? "My religion is simple, my religion is kindness"

Alohapockets and Boutique Tees--my original apparel for men and women!!

My other t-shirt page!

RockOnTV (a must-visit-site for music lovers)


.....with my sweetie
...with my "tweety"
...with my "tweety" again (updated!)
...and with my idol *s*

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