US flag graphicin friendship from the US to the Netherlands Netherland flag graphic

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Hello,welcome to Washington. The top photo is of the Naches Valley near my home and the bottom is Mt. Shuksan.Just a couple of examples of the beautiful scenery we have to offer. Browse my pages to see more of Washington, and the other land I love, the Netherlands. Got time for a poem?

Comfortable Silence
There's no one here with me, but it's a comfortable silence. You can't be here with me,to sit at my side,take my hand in yours while I watch fondly at how the corners of your eyes crinkle up when you smile. We can't exchange knowing glances,winks or grins, nor can I close my eyes, lean back cradled in your arm, and feel your chest rise and fall like gentle ocean waves. We can't share a meal or a drink, take a ride together, or experience the softness and the smell of each other's hair. I have never seen that spark I know sometimes flashes in your eyes. We're like fraternal twins,our computers our umbilicus cords, Separate but in some ways deeply connected to each other. Our words turn to pixels on each others screens, But our hearts speak by telepathy with voices older than our minds. Someday we will meet,our smiles and tears intermingled, As we hold each other tight in that first embrace. But for now, you are oceans away from me,living in a far off land the likes of which I've never seen. You can't be here in person with me now, but I can sit back and think of you, My loving brother and my friend, Knowing I can hold you close within my heart, And somehow share with you this comfortable silence.
all poems and pics personal and private property of J.C. Thrush copyright 1997 graphic

Here's a few pages I made gargoyle graphic Hope you like them

View my pics of Mt. St. Helens here

Images of the Netherlands

Photos of the Badlands of South Dakota

Some classic cars revisited


A special page to share with your friends



Open Heart

Holland Rain

Here's some of my friend's pages

Dave's Ski,Scuba &Packwood WA pages
My best friend Dick's great Holland links
TG's Asian and Computing links
Leonard & Estell's Israel pages
Henk's Suriname pages

candle graphicA soft goodnight kiss can lead you to the land of gentle dreams candle graphic

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