The Dejavu, All Animated Gif
Search Engine

We are about to switch this search to another server with CGI. The Dejavu All Animated Gif Search Engine will be bigger, faster, and better than ever. Anybody will be able to use it and add their own Gifs or sites INSTANTLY! Please be sure to bookmark this page And come back soon (in about a week). It is still in the testing process and we think it will be one of the easiest ways to find gifs on the whole Internet...

Microsoft Internet Explorer users may have trouble with this application
because of the differences in JavaScript and JScript
*This can be a slow search*

Enter lowercase keywords

Add your Animated gifs to my all animated gif search engine for FREE
Or if you know one that is cool please feel free to add it... Please send only the address for the animated gif file not the html file
your.gif not your.html this is only for image searches
Address/URL where image is:
Description of the Animated GIF:
How you heard about us

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