Counter Top Installation

The cabinets are now installed and today the granite men are coming to put on the counter top. We have never seen this done before so I took a lot of pictures of the entire process.

The Granite Crew Arrive

Here is the granaite truck parked in the driveway.
Some of the granite slabes have already been removed.

The first granite slabe is being fine-tuned to size in the driveway.
The "boss" is checking it. I was sure glad they didn't do this in the house.

There was a crew of three strong men.

Checking the final dimensions. It is harder to work with than is wood.

The edge is being polished here.

The first slab has been carried in to the kitchen and is being positioned.

It is a corner piece

Set it down gently

Slide it into place

Next page: Granite - page 2
Previous page: New Cabinets

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