Tuesday, February 27 – Funk

Dave Matthews Band, “Everyday”
Foo Fighters, “There Is Nothing Left To Lose”
  usually wouldn’t go out to Wal-Mart and buy a CD the day it’s released.  No, I usually wait until I can either find it used, or grab it through BMG – even if it’s someone I’m a big fan of, like the Dave Matthews Band.

But I was having such a lousy day that I decided to splurge on myself.

I’m not sure what exactly went wrong this morning.  It was a combination of things, I guess; that dreaded snowball effect.

At home, I’ve been kind of peeved lately because I’ve gotten the impression that my wife is ignoring me.  Actually, when I think about it, she spends a lot of time with me, especially considering the circumstances (i.e., a baby who has caught onto crawling really quick, and likes to go after things like furnace registers, CD racks and electrical cords).  On the other hand, I also know that it’s normal for the father to feel left out during the first year or so, but I really resented it last night.  I guess I was probably just having a pity party for myself.  Anyway, I was still in that “nobody loves me” mode when I got to work.

I’ve been involved with an interesting project here in the last month or so – the problem is, I’ve kind of reached a dead-end point.  I’m trying to debug something, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why it doesn’t work the way it is.  In other words, I’m trying to get something not to work, and no matter what I try, it works like a charm.  And in the other duties I have, I’m just as stuck.  I’ve reached the point where I can’t do anything else until someone gets back to me – and, of course, no one ever gets back to me.  Even though I’ve gotten a much better job, and a little more respect even, I’m still basically the low man on the totem pole.  I’m the plankton on the food chain of life.