Cerebus's Logo

After almost a whole year, a totaly new page! Not worth the wait!
Just as I was almost done with my completely deep and introspective web page complete with a 30 part introspective about darkness,
all those wonderful possitive classes they make you take in high school caught up with me and I became a happy well adjusted person who doesn't believe in drugs, alcohol, or pre-marital sex.

Or not.

Anyway, I got tired of boring old black, so for lack of a better color the page is now lime green.
(or maybe not, I'm color blind, but it looks like lime green to me, if it doesn't to you, well, I guess that's just your loss isn't it)

Anyway, to make the page look better, I've removed all of my promises for things that aren't going to be done any time soon.
The page is now streamlined into 2 sections, My Writings, and My Fencing Machine.

You are the person to come here.

Cerebus's Writings My Writings!

I've been writing crap for a long time now, and occasionaly it even turns out ok.
No, scratch that, I'm DAMN funny, if you don't enjoy this stuff, you have no sense of humor (but maybe some taste).

My Writings

All Writing Stuff Copywrited By Me, do not reproduce without permission (which I will give if asked), I retain all rights and all that stuff


I've got 7 years invested in fencing now, and I've learned one very important thing,
This stuff is expensive!

With that in mind, I've begun a project to build my own Fencing Scoring Machine and accompaning equipment

So, if you want to learn how to

Build your own Fencing Reels and Machine!

You've come to the right place!

I expect to have a working model by the end of July.

No, I'm afraid I didn't draw this.


These are my friend's web pages (if they suck its not my fault)

The Pages:
Flytrap's Web Page
Aki's Web Page
Bill's Web Page
Little Sherman's Web Page

Ironwoman's Page
KalfKin's Page
Tim's Page
Ken's Page
The Projects:
Medieval Industries

It's not Groucho Marx

So you wanna get out of here? Fine, I didn't want you here anyway, so there!

Stray Bullets Online!

Problems, Comments? Having a bad hair day and want the Pope to pray for you?
E-mail me at the Regency Hotel