Why did I create this page?
Let me begin with a few things you might be asking your self. Why is it called the "Electronic Litter Box"? Who or what is a "Cyber Cat"? To answer those questions you need a little history. A number of years ago I discovered computers, it was a IBM clone XT, and thought that this was too cool, a TV that would not turn your brain to mush, but at the same time entertain you with so many informative programs, Art/Graphics, Word Processing, Spread Sheets, Games, and I found out by putting a modem in my computer (by now it was a 286 IBM clone with, what I thought was huge at the time, a 10 meg hard drive) I could talk, well sort of, to other people via the BBS system (Bulletin Board System sort of a local internet, very bad analogy but that’s the way I think of it) I found that this consumed a lot of time, not to mention tying up a phone line as well, in my life. At that time I was married to my High School sweetheart, she didn’t share my fascination with the computer, but at least she left me alone while it consumed more and more of my time, yep I was and a still am a computer junkie. We were married for almost 20 years and some time during that time we managed to have 3 children, David (21 an aspiring Actor working at Calloway Golf), Steven (16 now attending Chula Vista High School and living with his Mother) and Diane (13 attending Chula Vista High School also living with her mother). I’m sure that the computer had a big part in the marriage break up, I was spending a very large part of my time BBS’ing or just playing games., I love to play games in fact I look at my computer as a ‘Game Machine" that I can do real work on if I have to that is. I’m sure that your wondering what this has to do with reasons I made this page…. Well I’m getting to it. After my marriage broke up I found my self in a number of progressively smaller apartments alone with my computer. Until one day I was "Chatting" on a BBS with a lovely lady(Lyda Rose), to make a long story short we hit it off and got married in 1994. I also aquired 2 very cool stepsons, Jay (now Border Patrol Agent stationed in Yuma AZ) and Clint (now married to his high school sweetheart is a Programer Anaylist and working from home just north of us in Lake Elsnore CA). She understands my addiction to computer, since for a while before me she was also bitten by the "Chat" bug, she has gotten over it but I still struggle with it all the time but we are working on it. Now that’s enough history! The reason for the "Electronic Litter Box" is because a litter box is a place for a cat to leave his droppings and since I am a computer junkie I leave Electronic Droppings. Kind of cute huh? The handle comes from my addiction to computers (hence "Cyber") and my love of cats, did mention we have 7 (Polly, Beast, Speedy, Phred, Pugsley, Blitz, and Butch)Butch is of a stray that adopted us, the other cats tolerate him but don’t accept him. And now we have a dog named Gracie (only two cats have accepcted her, Phred and Polly) So that’s how I became the Cyber Cat. But just who is the Cyber Cat? He is an artist, (would be) programmer, game junkie but most of all a computer addict. I have taken Ceramics off and on for 5 years now and have samples of my work posted here. I also have a flair for art and have done some work there as well. The Litter Box started out as place for me to jump off on the web but it has evolved into something else it is taking on a life of its own, all the HTML coding has been done by me I am a self taught HTML programmer, I figured that since I knew how to program in "C", Basic, Pascal and de Base HTML should be a snap, it wasn’t but its not hard either. Most of the art work on my page was either created by me or altered in some way by me very little is "off the shelf" stuff. I use Paint Shop Pro, Print Artist and PhotoShop almost exclusively to create the graphics and am getting pretty good at using them. This page will never be done as a web page is in a state of constant flux, as soon as some new idea or way of doing some thing better or different comes along I will change it. Some of my likes are Computers (duhh!), Ceramics, Art, Science Fiction (both written and visual), RPG, Gargoyles and Music. What is in store for the Litter Box? Well more links to places I like to go and that others might like to go as well. More examples of my art/ceramics. Pictures of the 7 cats. Updated pictures of myself, my wife and my kids. But that is in the future and will have to wait till then check back and see what changes I have made. |