

The Sky's The Limit & Imagination Is My Rainbow

Reach for the stars and I'll show you the way over the rainbow.......Welcome to my world of humor, romance, fun and adventure....I hope you enjoy your flight to fancy today. Within these pages you'll learn more about me and my family, have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and observations, and enjoy some samples of my writing. I count it a great privledge to share my work with you today. My mother always told me I could do whatever I set my mind to. She also told me that I would be a great writer someday. She was the source of my strength, the foundation of my courage, the hope for my future. She died from Cancer before she had the chance to see her hopes for me come to fruition, and so it is to her that I dedicate the following.

If you would like to know more about me, take a look at my Biography and Quik Pix. For a frequently changing inspirational message, look for Room @ The Inn. For some light and fun reading, plunge into Sandbox Satire .To learn more about my mother and her influence upon my life , visit the Tribute page. Also, take a moment and visit with some of my pals in the CyberPals' Parlor. Or check out the impact of Angels in modern day society . If you are planning a trip to Disney World in the future, then you won't want to miss my Disney World Highlights. I'm very proud of the awards and recognitions that I've received for my home page and look forward to sharing them with you.

I hope you enjoyed your flight of fancy with me today. Let your spirit soar with me again soon.

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since March 1997

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Copyright ©1997 - S. Pelton, Resurrection Brass Ministries, Inc.-All rights reserved

Updated on July 1,1999

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since January 18, 1998

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