crass lyrics (some) from "-the swan song- 10 notes on a summer's day"

Touch me with normality,
A childhood I never had.
I too might have stood Aryan
In the seeding grasses
Applauded by the bigots
Who sneer at the sight of me.
Age is no comfort,
Indeed the options narrow.
The prison door is closed,
Locked by their prejudice
And my simple desire
To live, In a different way.
We cannot conform,
Indeed the options narrow.

In the Acadamy we sat,
Learned, like fools.
We read predictability as if it were wisdom.
My head bows,
I see sunlight glint Across the wooden panels.
"If only we were free."
Such a timid whisper against the scratch of pen.
Two thousand years these histories have been documented,
Equation and formula,
Static laws.
I turn from my books, volumes lay empty
And so too is the Academy.
Whatever life there might have been within,
Has slipped away, into the sunlight.

Petulance is a pretty girl
dabbling on the river's bank.
Alice hold posies,
Sensual rosaries,
The daisy chain,
The daisy chain,
Hunger child and lazy brain.
Petulance is a pretty girl.
Dawdling by the river's bank
She squashes cold matter from the head of a tiny newt.
What is that if it is not grey?

Darkness is a game we lazily play,
We suck on paradise as we would the peach stone...
All is extracted but the life.
Childhood dreams cursed with the filthy garbage
of realisation,
So clean in imagination,
Clear as memory,
So clean in imagination.
We hide in the gaps as if their use as shitholes was
unknown to us.


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