Special Poem's

These are poems that I have collected, poems that have touched me in some way.


bulletThe Old Woman
A must read for all nurses and nursing students. This poem will help you to remember to look a bit closer at your patients.

bulletThe Death Of A Innocent
A poem for both teenagers and parents and what can happen when someone drinks and drives.

bulletA Pizza, A Party, And A Moonlight Ride
Another poem for both teenagers and parents and what can happen when someone drinks and drives.

bulletMy First Christmas In Heaven
A beautiful poem that I found on the internet. I read this poem at our December 1997 Hospice Candle Light Memorial.

bulletWhat Cancer Cannot Do
A wonderful, uplifting poem that reminds us of the things that cannot be destroyed by cancer.

bulletOn Call
A powerful poem that clearly lets the reader know what is like to be a Hospice nurse, on call. This is a very realistic view of what it is really like to get a Death Call.

A comforting poem for anyone who has lost someone.

bulletForever Friends
A special poem about friendship.

bulletGone From My Sight
A special poem about death.

bulletTo My Dearest Family
Another special poem that was read at our December 1997 Hospice Candle Light Memorial. This poem offers comfort to the family and friends left behind.

bulletHeaven's Special Child
A beautiful poem for anyone who has lost a child.

bulletI'm Free
A beautiful poem to help comfort those left behind.

bulletGod Saw You Getting Tired
Another beautiful poem to help comfort those left behind. This poem was sent to me by a reader.

bulletDon't Tell Me That You Understand
The name says it all, others should never tell you that they understand your grief!

bulletA Child Of Mine
A beautiful poem to comfort those who have lost children. Sent to me by a reader of these pages.


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