"The Fall"
The denizens of the city strike
a savage beat with their heels
of patent leather against the jagged sidewalk
as all the colors of the world fade
to concrete grays, sickly
browns, and the metal glint of the sun
between misshapen monoliths forming a net
of scintalllating light and suffocating
The air tastes of an exhaust tail kiss
"It's a trap"  I yell

My eyes stuck in an eternal squint
my monkey hands grasp
the steel girders in a death grip pulling
the bulk of my body upward
The higher I climb the further I'll fall
pennies from heaven drop from my pockets
embedding  into the skulls of the unforturnate
passerbys with atomic force
as the slick sweat from my limbs evaporates
into the encumbered air

I'm dizzyingly high now
must've been smoking the good shit
as absurdities flash through my brain
like a slide show on fast forward
"Why  couldn't I have just taken the elevator?"
"Life isn't as simple as a no bake cheesecake."
"I just want to breathe
My inner brat responds in a cough

From this rarified vantage a dome of smothering
sickness blankets the earth weighing me down
a purely self-inflicted opium haze, a leaden nimbus
destroying sanity, I'm so close
I can see beyond now, I reach
my muscles screaming acidly, my stricken  throat collapsing,  my tortured lungs imploding
my head is giddy and light
my will and my hands are weak
I fall
Excessive mental masturbation
Pics of me
young Adonis
       my painted chest
Oh Christmas tree
one more
oops, two more

Online modeling portfolio
Blaah, blaah, blaah The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse 