Welcome to my web page.
I guess if you are here you want to know more about me or just check out my pics. This should give you alittle insight into who I am.
I said I was a poet, maybe not a great poet but these are some poems and stories that I wrote.
This is my sister Laurie and Me at a friend's wedding.
Mini Art Gallery
This page is dedicated to some of my favorite painters.
If you want to email me: csmicgirl7@yahoo.com .
I graduated from Philadelphia University with a masters degree in Instructional Technology. This was something that took me a long time to get but it was so worth it. The character to the left is one of the cartoons that I drew for my final project in class.
These are some samples of the projects that I worked on:
IDOP Oral presentation skills training
Being a Mom
I love being a Mom. It's not easy all the time but I have the best little daughters in the whole universe. They make my life worthwhile. They are kind hearted and their smiles light up a room. I'm not saying they are angels all the time but even when they are being devils they are still all mine and would never trade them for anything.
This is a tribute page to Zoe's favorite character: Jack the pumpkin king. Color Jack
Places I've Been
Los Angeles, California
Last year I had a few trips to California. These are a few sites from my trip. LA Pics
San Francisco, California
I lived in the SanFrancisco area for a short time. These pictures are from my visit to check out the town and see if I wanted to live there.
New Hampshire
This was an awesome weekend trip to New Hampshire...
ROADTRIP! It was really beautiful there...Even the 80 mile accidental detour home. Did that sign say CANADA?
These pages are dedicated to some good times and fun memories.
This was Easter 2005 at my house.
For those of you just looking for Pics . Here is a mini album of stuff.. lol Pictures of Me and Friends
Pictures of my sisters, friends, family and me Sisters
Pearl Jam's Yield tour 1998. Ellie and I went around and met interesting people while tailgating at the concert. Pearl Jam was great. I would recommend seeing them live if you like them. I added some interesting pictures of Eddie to my page too! Hello to everyone we met in Lot 7!
Vacation with the Girls at the Jersey Shore...:
Thanks for checking out my site! See you soon!