The Bottom Line
December 10, 1999

    I was a trooper -- I had full-blown bronchitis and a fever as I stood in the rain for an hour outside the Bottom Line, waiting for the doors to open. But it was well worth it: we were practically sitting on the stage. And Jeff wore the satin pants. Whoo.
     The first set was rather tame in terms of audience participation (it was early and the true Rockapella-heads weren't out yet). Even still, we were treated to fabulous renditions of "Moments of You" and "Use Me" (yes!!). And this being the time of year that it is, there were plenty of carols to behold ("Silver Bells" and the little-known "Hold Out For Christmas").
The crowd was also treated to several anecdotes about the making of the new Folger's commercial in Canada (as though Canada itself isn't amusing enough on it's own). Ask Scott why he's wearing a hat in the last shot of the commercial, just go ahead, I dare you.
During the between-set break, my buddy Sabeen and I had the pleasure of talking to both Jeff and Scott. Jeff is such a sweetheart, he came up and introduced himself,

("Hi, I'm Jeff"...I don't know, that just struck me as funny at the time) and said, "I saw you guys sitting down there in the front." [Sigh]
     For the 10pm set, we were joined by Diane, Tricia, and Danielle, my Groupie Posse. The energy level in the place went through the roof, and it showed on stage. Even better, Sean Altman joined the guys on stage for an amazing rendition of "Falling Over You." Big congrats to Diane for getting chosen as the night's Pretty Woman; she worked her goove thang all over the stage, and I have to say she was every bit the diva I've always known her to be. And she got a free CD to boot. After asking for an "instant request" from the frenzied crowd, our table out-shouted everyone and won a performance of the soulful "I'll Hear Voice." This finallly sated my friend James, who was justifiably rabid after the song was skipped at Town Hall in October.
     All in all, an amazing concert experience to say the least. But also unfortunately the last NY concert until 2000. And an auld lang syne to you and yours. (SJE)

Enjoy our very nice collection of
pics from the show

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