"SIN is not living up to your full potential. This sin
is never forgiven."
So evil comes from within...we project whatever's within us that
we don't like onto other people and call them "evil", to assuage
our own fear. It's easy to believe that we've been "saved", that
the only thing we have to do to fight evil is to isolate ourselves
from anything we don't agree with and claim that coveted title,
purity...untrue. This purging instead becomes a long and painful
process of self-analysis and searching...something most close-
minded "goodly" people shun in the name of avoiding corruption.
Hmmm...is it strength to run from a challenge? To pull your head
back inside a shell of purity when a little healthy philosophical
exercise would help your flabby personal ethics (often atrophied
by reliance upon the words that have been spoon-fed to you as
truth)? But I digress (I do that a lot).
Ignorance is not in its barest form evil. Of course not. We are
all ignorant. The knowledge out there for learning is infinite,
so vast that you couldn't learn it all in a thousand lifespans...
measured against that, not even the most brilliant professor knows
the tiniest fraction of everything. Admitting one's ignorance is
healthy. It is when one denies one's ignorance or revels in it
that we get problems...in the former case, your head swells to
such a size that you can't fit it through the door (not a pretty
sight...I've been there before)...in the latter case, you have
a person who is going nowhere, dependent on others to dribble
the bare minimum of facts needed to survive into his or her waiting
mind, where they consequently run out of the ears and drip onto
the floor, unheeded. The former are the people who know the "truth"
--who comprehend the infinite in all its entirety (ha!). The latter
are those who have never thought for themselves and never will,
priding themselves on their ability to keep their mind uninfluenced
by everything that does not mesh with the vast decorative vase
atop their shoulders...either case, you get people who will not
listen...who will not change...who will stagnate...who thus become
Indifference becomes selfishness taken to extremes...not that a
little selfishness isn't good for you--on the contrary. Life focuses
on the Self, and self-denial becomes both ridiculous and
counterproductive. I can see nothing more spiritual than living a
happy, fulfilling life, seeking to please oneself and to grow, so
long as it does not harm others. But if asceticism is denying
the Self, then indifference is denying the selves of others. It is
the callousness within all of us that allows us to turn our heads,
close our eyes, stop up our ears, tape our mouths shut--anything
to avoid entanglements, to avoid speaking out, to avoid risk. We
put up with the grossest of injustices because we feel it is "not
our problem"--we do not care, and cannot be forced to care. Thus
the great double standard--what is not good enough for us is good
enough for others, the status quo is kept perpetually unchanging.
Perhaps indifference stems from fear...fear that, if one dares
to care, to love, to commit oneself one way or the other, one will
be trapped...for the freedom of love (self-love, which enables
love for others) is indeed seen as confining by those that have
known nothing but self-imposed fetters all their lives.
Apathy grows out of indifference. Perhaps it can be seen as hatred
of the Self...the inability and unwillingness to act, to grow,
to live up to one's full potential. Apathy grows out of stagnation,
the inability to progress in life--after all, if life has done
nothing for you, why should you do anything for it? To live, perhaps?
Everything that you do in the macrocosm you must first bring about
in the microcosm...to love, you must love yourself, to hate, you
must, deep down inside, hate yourself. So if you don't care
about yourself, cannot be bothered with anything other than heodism
or unthinking fanaticism for some nebulous, canned goal...you cannot
bring yourself to act either on the Self on in the outside world.
Life becomes and endless, monotonous routine, individuality a
farce, love a shadow...and nothing becomes worth fighting for,
and the world seems to mirror the shriveled husk of the apathetic
soul. One does not live, does not take risks...so the spirit
dies before the body does. Cheery thought. :-)
And Death is going to be really pissed at me for writing this.
Keep in mind that she and I are talking about entirely different
conceptions of ignorance, indifference, and apathy...just to add
to the confusion, of course.
I am the self-professed goddess of slack. Indifference and apathy are part of my genetic make-up. I celebrate ignorance by taking full advantage of it. Not my own, mind you--as I do my best to avoid this most unseemly pitfall-- but others.
Ignorance is a foul, foul creature. It can win over the weak spirit and turn that person in a being more horrifying than my last haircut. They spew forth unending fountains of hateful or idiotic dribble. It pains the ears and tears at the heart. Ignorance comes in many forms. From the most savage of all vessels to the most innocent of heart, it appears as red-eyed as ever. Unabashed ignorance is rough and grates at the soul. Simple youthful ignorance is amusing and easily mended. To overcome it, you must open your mind to the possibilities and strive to learn what you lacked in knowledge before. A child can be molded to remain flexible in heart and mind. The ignorant adult faces great obstacles in overcoming their faults. The greatest obstacle of all is themselves. Some people don't want to change. And you can't change that.
*yawn* Well, now that my 'heartfelt' rant is out of the way... let's talk about apathy and indifference. Now Destruction is going to knock my head against the wall for this, but I don't think apathy necessarily grows out of indifference but walks side by side, hand in hand. But for the main part, and because I'm lazy, I'm just going to talk about apathy and leave the indifference part understood.
Apathy is simply not caring. About someone, about something, or even about yourself. It's a feeling of uselessness. However, it's hardly something that coincides with depression. Apathy can spring out of depression but it can exist within even the happiest of people. I like to think of apathy as a celebrated uselessness. I don't give a damn. I don't give a rat's ass.
I mean, apathy is a good thing, right? Wrong. :( It's okay to be generally apathetic, but it can get rather unnerving to someone who is trying to get through to you. If you stop caring about everything that goes around you, you might as well not flinch when someone whacks you upside the head (*flinches*, cuz I know Destruction is wielding a rather large frying pan in front of my face) for not doing anything. And not caring about it either. And enjoying the fact that you didn't care enough about it to move from your stationary spot upon the sofa. or the computer chair. Hell, who gives a damn?! If you feel that your effort is not going to impact society in any way, you're being pretty damn apathetic. The current voice of apathy is Why vote? My one vote isn't going to count anyways. What if everyone thought that? That would be pretty screwy. No one would vote. Well, with maybe the exception of Mr. Jacob Sanders of Austin, Texas. And do you really want Jacob Sanders deciding the very fate of our nation? I think not. Let the cynical part of you shine through and do something just so you can prove to others how right you always are or prove why you don't think that's going to work. It's the best gift you can give someone. And get off the damned sofa already, it's my turn to dominate the remote control.
*whack* *bang* OUCH! *insane giggling from Destruction*
Death's view...
Why do we bother to do anything? Responsibility is a construct of the mind...nothing has any
true worth unless we consciously place some on it...
Money, Power...all worthless...they end up doing more harm than good....
A society based on anarchy would be more realistic...there are no rules...
justice is exacted by the victim..if they are capable....
We are the true masters of our reality...why allow ourselves to
be suppressed by a minority who think they know what'
s best for us....???
Who, better than we, understand what is best for us? This minority
is trying to shape our realities into fitting their interpretations of it.
They are trying to mold us in their image...why stand for that?
In a world ruled by anarchy...you live by the laws that were laid down
long before the ascent of man....survival of the fittest...if you can't cut
it...that's your problem...the species is better off without you then...
Nature is not kind...Nature is the only force that can make us bend,
and even then we struggle against Her...
We should claim our freedom from our oppressors...throw out the political propaganda,
throw out the religious dogma.......and live by our own rules...
As we were meant to.....
Destruction's view
-Frederick Douglass
For those of you playing along at home...yes, I finally found
a source for this quote!
And Now For A Totally Contradictory Point Of View
There's a big difference between being Daemonic and being flat-out
evil. For what it means to be Daemonic, see "The Daemons'
Confessional" on the previous page. "Evil", too, is within, just
as good is...however you want to define the two. Evil is the IIA,
so join me in crushing these terrorists of the soul...! To sum it up, they spoil things.
Cynicism's view
"Who knows and who cares? And what does it matter anyways?" <--------Jack Kerouac