I live alone, it Minneapolis. I love it. My only roomate is my kitten poppy whom I love with all my heart. She wakes me up in the middle of the night, messes with my plants and breaks things, but when she is sleeping next to me she is the sweetest thing ever.
I will be going into my second year of college at the University of Minnesota. My goal is to be an opera singer, hence my major is voice performance. However, I have many other interests, and am looking into a minor in German and possibly a second major in literary critisicm. Of all useless things. It depresses me a bit that all of my interests and skills are only marginally marketable.
I am a single woman, and at the present moment I have very little interest in men. I am loving so much having time and space to reestablish my self after this past year.On July 21st, 2000, my mamma died of liver cancer. I was with her for almost all of her 5.5 month illness. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Or should I say, piecing through the fall out is the worst thing I have ever experienced, as I allowed my self to feel very little during that time period. Things are getting better now. I can honestly say that.
My friends have all seemed to occupy themselves with things that do not involve me, ecxept Crowe and a few people at work, but I do not mind.
At the moment, my biggest addiction is the Drag Show at the Gay 90s. Crowe and I have been attending La Femme for well over a year now. I am a fag hag, but mostly a drag hag. Something about those queens. What can I say. Ah well. Even wrote a paper on them once. If i figure out how to put in up, all formated with its pictures and stuff,I just might make it available for reading.
I think I will abandon this page now. Not to informative I guess, but it is reflective of me at this moment, 7:42 pm on July 15th, 2001.