My name is Rose, and I live in Anchorage, Alaska.
January 24, 2005 I was born December 23, 1973, in Seattle, WA. I have lived all over Alaska, however for the most part, I grew up in the small town of Seward, Alaska.
This page is a brief low-down on some of my idiosyncrasies, my likes, dislikes, dreams, charming and not so charming characteristics. There was a time when I would worry about what to put here, what would you.. the casual web surfer think about ME. In fact, a large portion of my life was spent worrying about what other people would think of me. I based a great deal of my self worth on what other people’s perceptions and opinions were, what a waste of time! As I have gotten older, I have finally grasped the concept of (br) #1 You can’t please everyone. (br) #2 Not everyone is going to like you so don’t take it personally. (p)As for this web page, I don’t think many people will find it, simply because there is such a plethora of web sites out there that are far more interesting (like e-bay or rate my Writing a “me” page really isn’t about you after all, it is about me, and it is interesting just how much there is to talk about, when you get right down to it.
I have been called outspoken, and everyone seems to think I am very confident. What is truly ironic about this, is that inside, I don’t feel confident at all. But as my dad used to say, Fake It Till You Feel It . This basically means if I act like I am very self confident, people will think that I am, and treat me as if I am a confident person. And when people treat you like you are a confident person, you eventually forget that you were faking it in the first place. So basically I’ve got everyone fooled, including myself. I am very creative, and have spend a lot of time “thinking outside the box”. This has gotten me kicked out of a vocational school, several raises, and a couple promotions. I think that I have a philosophical soul, and often will sit around thinking about love, happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, etc. Over the last year I have spent a lot of time looking at myself and really trying to identify who I am, who I want to be, and how the heck I’m going to get there. I think that I feel things very strongly, which I guess you could call "emotional". I have started to write some of my . "self-awareness" mumbo-jumbo down, feel free to take a look at it and tell me what you think. Did I mention I am a romantic? Helpless, hopeless, reckless romantic. Maybe I read to many romance novels growing up, or maybe it’s just me, but I would love to be swept off my feet, and fall helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly in love with someone. The sweeping off my feet part might be a little difficult as I am 5’11” and weigh a good 190 lbs. But I can hope can’t I?
I think that I am a sensitive and empathetic person. I guess you could consider that a quality and a flaw at the same time, because I have often sacrificed myself and my feelings for the good of someone else. This isn’t always a bad thing, but I have been known to do it on a regular basis. Over the last year, I have tried to balance my I have to remind myself to not lose myself. I guess that means that there are things I will not compromise on, no matter what. Like respect, honesty, etc etc. Sometimes that means sacrificing a friendship or a love, but if you lose yourself in trying to make something work, you really aren’t accomplishing anything at all, and in the end you’ll be left with a whole lot of nothing.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I think it is very important to be able to laugh at yourself, which I seem to be doing a lot of lately. We are all human, and we do some pretty foolish things. I am no exception.
I love treasures. I have gotten the “pack rat” gene from my mother. Although my affliction isn’t nearly as bad ad my mom’s. (yet). I hate throwing stuff away, if I think I may be able to use it down the road. I used to be a lot worse. Living with someone else (boyfriend) who is a minimalist tends to make me want to at least SORT through some of my stuff. I certainly wouldn’t say I am obsessive compulsive, I don’t’ keep twisty ties, or gum wrappers or anything of that sort. But I do have some secret stashes of “treasures” and when I go home to my mom’s I like to sneak into the garage and see what kinds of treasures I can take home. (All under the cover of darkness and secrecy.. she’d kill me if she knew I was going through stuff and Chris (my boyfriend) would kill me if he knew I was bringing more stuff home!)
I know I’m not perfect. I'm no paragon by any means! Sometimes it is a little harder to see flaws in ones' self. (though it is easy enough to point out other's flaws) I can be demanding. I am very stubborn. Sometimes I get obsessed with having things a certain way, and it was pointed out to me that maybe I have a few little issues with control, although I’m not some kind of dominatrix freak or anything. I can hold a grudge. My sense of humor can be warped, and some people do not appreciate it. I think I have become a chronic worrier, and since that causes stress, then I get stressed out and break out into hives. I think that I take to much personal responsibility for things that truly are out of my control, I worry too much about other people and how they feel and what they think, and tend to forget about myself.
Someone told me I was needy. And being a worrier, I have really chewed upon that, trying to figure out if being needy is a bad thing or a not so bad thing. It certainly doesn’t sound good, and would not look good on a “relationship resume”. Sure I have needs, but I don’t think that qualifies as “needy”. I don’t think it is wrong to ask for what you want, and I don’t think it is wrong to demand what you need. There is a distinct difference between wanting and needing. I need AIR, FOOD, LOVE. I want someone to adore me and salsa dance with me. I think that maybe I need to feel loved, which sometimes makes me make stupid decisions. I want to feel accepted, which again, makes me do, act, say things I wouldn’t normally do
I strive, desire, and long for people to compliment me. Maybe that sounds a little shallow, but I’m trying to be honest here, and YES I like my ego stroked. Sometimes I catch myself doing things on purpose just to get a compliment, it isn’t just some narcissistic characteristic that compels me, I think there is more to it.
You can spend a lot of time in your life trying to figure out why you do things.. you can spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a shrink, just to have them reaffirm that something in your past has made you the way you are today, when infact I’d rather pay someone a couple hundred dollars to remind me that I have the capability of independent thought. I do believe that our past does have an effect on who we are today, but I think that people use that as an excuse for their bad behavior. What I’m trying to say is that I sometimes find myself doing something simply because I may receive a compliment for it. Yes, it does make me feel good when someone says something nice to me, and yes I do feel like a megastuddette when I’m complimented on my looks. Can I help it if I like it? Think about it, we (at least in my case) are our own worst critics. I look at myself in the mirror every day and say…. "if only………" (I was taller, had longer hair, had clearer skin, was skinnier, I had a round butt instead of a flat one….) Then you spend a good portion of your life wishing you were someone you weren’t because you don’t think you’re good enough. For whatever reason that you come up with… like…. My mom told me I was ugly, my dad said that I’d never find a man, no one has ever told me that I’m beautiful…. That you are less than attractive. So.. when someone comes along and starts telling you all the things you want to hear.. and you are at a point in your life when you can determine their sincerity ,why not enjoy that feeling of being WANTED.. NEEDED.. DESIRED???
Ok, here is a little more insight into my character. My two favorite foods are French Dips and Cheesecake. I like to eat raw cookie dough or yellow cake mix. I Love cream of mushroom soup... I even eat it cold out of the can. I do not like Game food.. I’m a more beef and pork kinda girl.. Real Meat and Potatoes. I am not a vegetarian simply because I don’t think I could survive….(although the vegetarians that I know sure know how to cook!!!!) I like to try new foods as long as their little legs and eyes are gone, sorry, no legged calamari for this girl. I use Miracle Whip never Mayo. When I eat Pizza I pull all the toppings off, eat the toppings, eat the dough part, and then pull out the soft bread stuff in the crust.. then eat the crust. My favorite kind is Pepperoni, Green Pepper, & Sausage, although any pizza is good to me. OH.. I Love Magic Shell on my ice-cream. I put cinnamon on my vanilla ice-cream, and chocolate ice-cream on buttered toast. I bring my own special blend of seasoned salt to the movies, and have a small theater popcorn machine at my house, so i can eat popcorn whenever i want. I make a seriously fantastic lasagna, and I specialize in Biscuits and Gravy, SUPERSTAR-Salsa, and Cheesecake.
I like to take long baths, I cry at movies (even after I’ve seen them 50 times!), During scary parts of movies I plug my ears and peek through my fingers at the screen. I have a REAL problem with people who talk during movies, and have been known to tell them to shut the hell up. I can pick a tune on the guitar and piano, but I love to play my hand drums most of all.
I love animals, and currently own a miniature Australian Shepherd named Boudicca (we call her Boudi for short) **Pronounced Boodee** I also have an Albino Corn snake named Boots. I also have a hedgehog named Sonique. I’ve had cats, horses, lizards, frogs, etc etc. My current apartment does not let me have cats or dogs, so Boudi lives with my mom, and I get visitation rights. Because Boudi lives 2 hours away, I also seek visitation rights with my friend’s dogs, and invite them (the friends) to come over as long as they bring their dogs.
I love the ocean. I don’t think I could live anywhere away from a coastline of some sort. I am a true appreciator of natural beauty, I still stop and admire a sunset, gaze at an eagle in flight, or even just marvel at the mountains. Growing up in Seward I did not have many friends, and lived on the outskirts of town, so I would spend hours upon hours out in the forest exploring, and make believing I was a beautiful Warrior Princess.
I have a son named Alexander Jay Etheridge, he was born October 4, 1995 in Juneau, AK. He the most important thing in my life. When I think of all the things I have done in my life, or things I may yet do, I think that being Alex's mother is the most significant thing I have or ever will do.
Reading has fostered my love of writing. I have always loved to write stories, and have excelled in every English class I have taken. I haven’t sat down and seriously written anything for a very long time, this is because I procrastinate (otherwise known as "writers block"). I love using words to describe things, and hope to someday be able to transport readers to a few chapters of bliss myself. What is really funny, is I have all my old stories from high school saved in a beat up old folder under my bed, and I have never ever let anyone read them. When I write, it is like I am pouring out the deepest secrets and desires in my soul. I am opening up my imagination and creativity for someone else to see, and that is a very private part of me. Just as a little side note, when I was in eighth grade, I wrote my first "erotica" stories entitled "The Erica Chronicles". These were very popular under the table stories in Seward Junior High, until my mother found them….. (But that is another story)
Dancing, Music, & Singing I am very lyrically minded. I love almost all types of music (I can’t make a blanket statement and say I love all types of music, because truthfully there are just some that annoy the hell out of me). What appeals to me most about music, is how the songs make me feel. I am certain that every person can identify with at least one song. There are songs that remind me of when I was younger, producing and starring in the neighborhood roller skating shows, when I was in love, when my heart was broken, when I was recovering from said broken heart, or when I was getting down an dirty with some stud from my past. I have a fair collection of different types of music, although thanks to some skillful maneuvering on my part, I’ve expanded my collection to include a more diverse selection of artists and groups.
I love to sing. I think I am a decent singer. I’ve belted out some pretty awesome National Anthems and I love to karoke. I am not the kind of karoke singer who tries to sound like the original artist (I’d never make it in a cover band). I just like to take the song and give it a little Rose Etheridge spin.I also write my own music, I am half-heartedly learning to play the guitar so that I can put my songs to music, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. I do however, sing a MEAN Marvin Gaye
DANCINGI love, love, love to dance. Though most of the dancing I do is in the privacy of my own home with the curtains closed. I have taken some belly dancing classes, and absolutely adore it. My next goal is to find a partner to swing dance with me, it seems that any potential swing partners are either to busy, don't stick around long enough, or logistically can't keep up. **SIGH**
Action Adventure Movies & Old Movies ~ When I watch a movie, I watch it for the enjoyment of the film. I'm not a critic, I'm not some Academy Award Judge, I watch for the joy of watching. I love action adventure films. I like all kinds of movies actually, it depends on my mood. I am a fan of Disney, and have seen almost every movie they have ever made. (I’m currently looking for someone who can compete on an equal level as me at Disney Trivia Pursuit) I love old films like Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, and Its A Wonderful Life. I love old musicals like My Fair Lady, Wizard of Oz, The King & I. I am not a HUGE fan of "dramas", because they are usually sad, but every once & awhile I’ll get something like Steele Magnolias, Beaches, chick flicks. I am a big cry baby at movies anyway, which my friends love to give me crap about. There are movies that I know for certain will make me cry, and I avoid them like the plague, unless of course, I am in need of a good hard cry. I held out watching "Message In A Bottle" (I had read the book and cried for 2 hours), for almost 3 years, and then a friend forced me to watch in, he even provided the tissues. What a gentlemen!
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