All my friends are so small town
My parents live in the same small town
My job is so small town
Provides little opportunity
Educated in a small town
Taught the fear of Jesus in a small town
Used to daydream in that small town
Another boring romantic that's me
If you've never lived in a small town... Then you have LIVED! *Laugh* Small towns are all over the world.. no matter what state or what country you live in there are some similarities to every small town. The one most stereotyped is the EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYONE's BUSINESS.. and you know what? It is true, every bit of it. And though we have been taught the evils of "gossip" there is just something in each one of our smalltown hearts that says.. I WANT TO KNOW IT ALL ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. I'm one of those..
There are two very distinct types of smalltown people, the people who hear all the gossip and spread it further, and those who hear it but don't pass it along. When you are from a small town.. it doesn't matter if you don't want to hear the "NEWS" you can't help it.. you just DO! I was not EITHER one of these types I liked to hear it all, and i didn't tell it all, just... some.. I mean.. who can resist telling the story of the beauty queen and the cop on the hood of his bronco busted by the troopers? *he was married by the way (and NOT to the beauty queen)*
Then of course from those two types of gossipers comes the variations.. like the ones who spread it.. but tweak it a little to make it just a bit more scandalous... FROM someone broke down on the side of the road getting a ride from a stranger to a full blown affair in the middle of the SEWARD HIGHWAY... *shrug* Who knows why we do it Could it be.... that we don't have anything better to do?? DAMN STRAIT! That is the whole problem!
But i suppose that since you are hear you ultimatly wanted to know MY secrets. I've got quite a few, and i'm still a bit leary of putting any of them on her, because some day.. some fateful day my Mum will actually get ON LINE and she will read this, and i can hear her now Rosebud!! I am So Embarassed!! How come you never told me about this?? How come i never KNEW?? How could you put this up there for the whole world to read?!!! ((I love you Mum, and i will try very hard not to embarass you!))
HEY!!! You like what you see?? E-mail me!! and go back to the main page and sign my book!! *I do a jig every time someone signs it!*