It's good ta torq!

Talkers. The last remaining artefacts of a nobler age. Long before the web, with all its flash and tinkle, started moosing all over cyberspace like a monstrous metal crab, everything was fast and lovely. Beautiful people chatted endlessly, clad in shiny ascii avatars. Love blossomed, text-based of course. People just didn't have time for something so barbaric as PICTURES! And in any case, they hadn't invented paper in those days. Everything had to be performed using vast steam bellows and millions of little leather envelopes.

But lo! The realm of telnet is not yet overcome! Here are the DNS addresses of those people valiant enough to say NO WAY BRO! I AINT GOIN' OUT LIKE DAT!

Telnet to them. Snog them. Have their children. They carry the digital grail.

OUT with CHAFF! IN with WHEAT!

Lintilla - The original multi-port pick'n'mix chat galaxy.
Frootilla - My talker effort ... soon to be an ex-effort so get it while it lives.
Paradise Island - There last time I looked ;)
Stingray - Marineville still stuck firmly in the era of polyester.
Addicted - Rob Sedgebeer strikes again.
Tyson's Corners - Creak creak creak.
The Dungeon - Feeling gimpy? Sleep under leather sheets? Get back in the Dungeon, sicko!
Prelude - Ummm yessss.

But ah! You may not know of what I speak! Telnet? Que'est-ce que c'est? If in doubt, check out .

Then come back even more confused than before. Ahahaha, it was a deliberate ploy to make you feel ignorant and worthless! Did it work?

Yes -> GOOD! you ARE ignorant and worthless. now go back to the sheena easton homepage.

No -> GOOD! you're made of the right stuff to be in with the Frooty crew. Get back to the Funbag now, matey and we'll forget this little incident ever happened.

You're... You're... You're a HORSE!

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