Nuclear Toast Web Site

Nuclear news, Tribes style.


Tribes Gamer on Philbin's "Millionnaire" Show

Tribes player Jose Hernandez, aka "InstantDeath!1337!", recently appeared on the hit ABC television show "Who Wants to be a Millionnaire?" starring longtime talk show host Regis Philbin.

In an embarrassing misunderstanding, producers from the show contacted Hernandez in a random search for new contestants. The young computer gamer, obsessed with the soon-to-be-released Tribes 2, thought the producers were saying the show was called "Who Wants to be on Tribal Fear?"

Hernandez spoke to TFN, speaking in a strange language that sounded like lots of upper- and lowercase letters, and using numbers where vowels should be. He explained that he wanted to be on the new Tribes2-oriented website "Tribal Fear." So he followed through on the invitations and found himself facing Regis with cameras rolling and America watching.

"Well, Jose, do you want to be a millionnaire?" asked Regis, before an audience of millions of TV viewers.

"Hell yeah, dude, who wouldn't, right?" responded Hernandez. "But I'm here for the word on Tribes 2, ya'know? Like, I wanna know about the Shrike. I mean, what are 'explosive flechettes' yo?"

Regis blinked back at the young man. Hernandez continued, "Yo, Reege, floating point base? Like how do you pick the turrets? Huh?"

ABC immediately realized their mistake and cut to a commercial, hustling Hernandez off-camera and into Tribes history. But according to the disappointed gamer, even with all the noteriety, he still hasn't learned how to pick those floating point base turrets.