Nuclear Toast Web Site

Nuclear news, Tribes style.


Exclusive Look at T2's New "Shock Lance"

Tribes gamer Samuel Ng, aka d3a+hp0+a+0, has seen the new shock lance. In an exclusive interview with TFN, Ng described this as-yet unknown weapon being added to the Tribes 2 arsenal.

"Yeah dawg, it's rockin'! You touch it to a dude, there's some flashes and sizzlin' noises, and then the dude goes down," said Ng.

When pressed for details on the gaming aspects of the shock lance, Ng admitted that he's not a beta tester for Tribes 2. "No man, I haven't seen it in Tribes, but in Real Life."

Skeptical, TFN asked Ng for details. "Yeah, that's right dawg, real life. My girlfriend has it. It r0x0rs!"

After further questioning, Ng admitted, "Ok, so she's not my girlfriend. Yet. She keeps calling me a 'stalker,' but I love her, man. So the other day, she kept calling out her tribe's name, 'The Restraining Order' or something like that, pulls out her shock lance, and ZAP. Dude, my arm is still kinda tingly."

The object of Ng's affection, Cheryl Hofnagle, told TFN that even after repeated warnings, Ng wouldn't leave her alone. "That's when I decided to be less subtle, so I used my Tazer on him. But it didn't totally incapacitate him. Even as he lay there twitching, he was still trying to talk. It sounded like he said 'shazbot' and 'need repairs,' whatever that means."