Nuclear Toast Web Site

Nuclear news, Tribes style.


Tribes 2 Comes to Your Palm

On the heels releasing the Linux version of Tribes 2, Dynamix has announced support for another platform: Palm handheld computers. "Without a doubt, the Palm is today's portable computing platform of choice," said Dave Georgeson, the game's producer.

"With dozens of colors and wireless Internet connectivity, you don't have to be shackled to a desktop or a laptop to enjoy the hottest game on the market today," continued Georgeson, speaking of Tribes 2's expansive outdoor worlds, extreme multiplayer team environment, and its built-in community features.

Georgeson downplayed concerns about Voodoo chip support. "The Palm doesn't use 3Dfx, which has caused us some problems on the PC side," he admitted. "I think you'd be amazed at the display quality Tribes 2 offers on the Palm."

We watched a gamer playing Tribes 2 on the Palm, and the display was crisp and sharp, if a bit small to those accustomed to playing on 21-inch monitors. But the display seemed to be the least of the problems with playing Tribes 2 on the Palm.

The gamer we observed shrieked in horror and frustration trying to operate the interface with nothing but the tiny Palm stylus. "It's easy enough to move around with the thing, but geez," he said, "YOU try to tap up the keyboard diagram just to throw a grenade or drop a mine!"