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Tribes 2 has had its share of problems, and the patches to prove it. But now that the major kinks seem to be eliminated, Dynamix is tackling some of the more minor annoyances. For example, the extensive voice command menus don't have a pre-recorded selection for the pilot of a Beowulf tank to use when requesting a turret gunner. In the absence of this selection, players have made do with existing voice commands, although choices (and results) vary, depending on whom you talk to. Research shows that requests for tank gunners are equally divided between the following audio commands.
With the upcoming patch modification that teleports a vehicle buyer into the pilot seat, it's more important than ever for a Beowulf pilot to advertise the need for a gunner. "We're negotiating with the voice talent now to record a suitable phrase for the existing human and Bioderm voice sets," said Dave Georgeson, Tribes 2 producer. "We hope to include it in a future patch, or possibly in the upcoming expansion pack." Community support for the change is enthusiastic, but invariably includes requests for additional voice commands. "Maybe at the same time they could add 'Our flag is mined,' so defenders can keep morons off their mines," said one player. "Of course, it may not make any difference. To paraphrase Forrest Gump, 'Stupid is as stupid blows up.'"
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