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Tribes 2 Troubles with the Euro

European players of Tribes 2 are reporting strange errors while using the online game. Reports indicate that the errors began appearing as the new European common currency, the euro, was being implemented. Strangely enough, the game seems to be incompatible with the euro.

Players in European Union (EU) member countries are reporting problems when trying to "purchase" items for their characters at in-game inventory stations. These stations (also known as "ATMs" in the original Tribes 1 game) allow players to outfit their characters for action in Tribes 2 by selecting equipment from a larger list of available items.

Gamers in euro-implemented areas are encountering error messages when attempting to use inventory stations. Some reported messages include "Please insert valid currency;" "Exchange rates do not allow your account to make purchases;" and "You must not be American because your money is weird."

"It's not like they didn't know it wasn't coming," said European Central Bank president Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg. "We've been working on the euro for most of the 90s. We thought everyone was prepared for it."

A Sierra spokesperson admitted the company is baffled by the errors. "Tribes 2 does not even use currencies, so the basis for these problems is currently unknown. But I can say that Tribes 2 was released before the introduction of dot-NET, so these problems are not another Microsoft conspiracy to control the world economy."