Nuclear Toast Web Site

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Sierra to Introduce Visual Base++

As part of its ongoing efforts to meet the desires of the Tribes 2 gaming community and the large number of scripters and mod developers, Sierra announced today that the forthcoming update for the popular online game, now in beta testing, will include a new interface that combines the popular base++ mod with scripting and programming support in a visual drag-and-drop independent development environment (IDE).

Visual Base++ is part of Sierra's new .NET (Now Everywhere Tribes) platform of technologies that promise to connect an entire family of devices to their online gaming network. "Visual Base++ will help scripters and mod developers create robust games based on the Tribes 2 engine and the fast-paced base++ mod," said Alex Rodberg, Tribes 2 Brand Manager. "It's a concept totally unprecedented in the gaming community."

Visual Base++ includes:

  • COM++: Capper Object Model support easily integrates faster flag run and cap route components.
  • DLL: Defensive Link Libraries provide for defensive perimeter definitions and new turret "orchards".
  • MFC: Map Foundation Classes allow you to quickly drag and drop terrains, textures, mission types, sound effects, and even third-party sound packs into the game designer.
  • ActiveH: Effortlessly add, modify, or remove ActiveHud objects using predefined or custom ActiveH controls.
  • OLE: OpenGL Linked Environments support a vast library of video cards without sacrificing quality at the expense of compatibility.
  • ADO: Anticipating Details Online objects allow dialup players to compete without the "chop" that slower connections can cause. Also, as in the soon-to-be-released PS2 version, ADO provides the "autolead" feature (llama mode).

One of the most eagerly anticipated features is the new exception handler. "That's right," said Rodberg, "it's the end of unhandled exceptions. The built-in debugger and exception-handling objects allow developers to focus on their design, and provide players with a richer gaming experience. From now on, you'll cuss IN the game, not AT it."