Emma Spice picture Emma Spice
Name: Emma Lee Bunton (N.B.: Her real name. No one would make up something that stupid)
Spicey Nickname: Paedophilia Spice
Age: 53. Most likely.
A.K.A.: My cousin. Who is one year old.
Other "interesting" info: Emma is very interested in promoting child molestation. She likes pandering to men who think girls running around in pigtails and little fluffy pink dresses talking in pre-pubescent voices and eating sweets are "sexy" and "attractive". The other Spices like to call her Baby Spice as a way to take the piss out of her, because, despite her clothing and hairstyle choices, Emma is in her early 50s and is a grandmother of four.
Quote: "I don't want to be a cutie, I want to be a hot, sexy bitch!"

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