Crazy Quilt 6" Swap Block Gallery

Blocks made by Members of the CrazyQuilt Mailing List

I'm really enjoying trading for these blocks. I get to see the work of so many wonderful needleworkers. The stitching ideas and motivation are great.

I plan to make a wall hanging similar to the one that several members of the CrazyQuilt mailing list worked on last summer to thank our hosts Mike and Beth Ober at I had the pleasure of putting the wall hanging together, and working with 19 great crazy quilt blocks. To find out more about the CrazyQuilt 6" Block Swap click here.

Phyllis Price's Block

Phyllis sent me this block in exchange for one I sent her. She included a Canadian dime because it has a Nova Scotian sailing vessel on the back. The shisha stitching she used to attach it looks like the captain's wheel. It looks like a stray thread got into the scan next to the dime.

Dawn Askwith's Block

Dawn sent me this block in exchange for the ocean block that I sent her. She put on a D which is her initial, and of course mine too! Another fun thing was that she included some of the fabrics that I put into the first jewel-tone fabric swap.

Carolyn McCray's Block

Carolyn sent me this block in exchange for one I sent her.

I love the flower cluster with Brazilian embroidery. She also did a great job on the flowers made from bias cut silk ribbon, and the tatted butterfly.

Betty Pillsbury's Block

Betty sent me this block in exchange for one I sent her. I especially enjoy the pansey. Betty does beautiful satin stitch - a stitch I haven't mastered yet.

Here's what Betty had to say about her block.

Libby Magnello's Block

Libby sent me this block in exchange for one I sent her. She told me it was the first block she had made. She did a great job! The green decoration at the bottom left is crocheted. She also used punch embroidery to make a flower. The grey cat started out as a flower, but insisted on being her cat. I love it when a piece tells me what it wants to be. This block is done in all velvets. Unfortunately the deep rich colors don't show up well in the scan.

Here's what Libby had to say about her block.

Kathi Larson's Block

Kathi sent me this block in exchange for one I sent her. It was fun to see the way she used some of the things from the first CrazyQuilt Embellishment Swap. I love the flowers on the left. I just wish I could get the ones I tried to turn out.

See more 6" swap blocks made by Members of the CrazyQuilt Mailing List.

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