3D Studio Max Animations

As you've seen, I've been using 3D Studio Max for a while now. The great thing about 3DSMax (for short) is that it not only does single frame renderings, it will also render animations, as long of movies as your computer can handle. And even better, it will accept pretty much any codec you can find. This means that you can encode it in almost any format you want.

So, I chose to use the Div-X encoding format, since it's pretty much the highest quality around with the lowest file size. To give you an idea, people who do DVD rips use the Div-X codec because you can fit an entire movie onto one regular 650 or 700 MB CD-Rom and have miniscule lost in picture/sound quality. It uses the Mp3 format for sound and an advanced video encoding for video...

Long story short, these files are a lot smaller than they would've been with any other format. However, if you don't have the Div-X codec, you must go to http://www.mydivx.com and download and install the codec. Don't worry, it takes no time at all. But don't bother unless you download these files and they won't run, as if you have the latest version of Windows Media Player, the Div-X Codec is included.

Anyways, here's the movies:

'Your Life' Movie
"Your Life" Movie

This is the first animation I did. It has a statement of some sort. It should be obvious.

'Onikage' Movie
"Onikage" Movie"

My second animation was for a friend of mine who plays the guitar. He was planning to make a CD and I was semi-inspired to create this.

'M-J' Movie
"M-J" Movie

There is an image on several sections of my webpage of me and a girl I used to go out with. I used this image as a cell for a light in 3DSMax and created this flyby animation of it.

'Thing Ding Whing' Movie
"Thing Ding Whing" Movie

I was bored one day and decided I'd like to try something a little different, so I made this. It isn't in the AVI - DivX encoding, since I added in music and had to run a seperate program to encode the music, which couldn't use the DivX encoding... so unfortunately the quality isn't very great on it since it's some low quality Window Media Viewer format.

'Dummy Boy' Movie
"Dummy Boy" Movie

Once again, I got bored and decided to do a Matrix-ripoff type thing, more of a parody, though.

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