Y'all wanna know where I've been?
Look for an upcoming entry entitled "Barbarians within the Gates."
maybe, anyways.I have to apologize to any of you three that keep checking this site for new journal entries.
I've been totally blocked for months now. Barely able to eek out a journal entry.
No spoken word or poetry at all.
I haven't been able to write fiction for years.The problem here is that I've always written. *Always*.
I have the normal answers as to why not-- stress levels beyond comprehension, overworking, underworking, etc.
But they hold no weight.
The plain fact is that I am losing my ability to write, slipping quickly...It as if a terminal disease is ravaging me-- I can easily watch the life of me being sucked away.
Last night, Robi said "So when do you have *nothing* to say?!"
I feel as if I am dying....
It's a good question. I dont know. There are things to say, I suppose, but they dont capture me or I dont care and when I can find a few thoughts, I can't locate the words to express them.