Y'all wanna know where I've been?
Look for an upcoming entry entitled "Barbarians within the Gates."
maybe, anyways.

I have to apologize to any of you three that keep checking this site for new journal entries.

I've been totally blocked for months now. Barely able to eek out a journal entry.
No spoken word or poetry at all.
I haven't been able to write fiction for years.

The problem here is that I've always written. *Always*.

I have the normal answers as to why not-- stress levels beyond comprehension, overworking, underworking, etc.

But they hold no weight.
The plain fact is that I am losing my ability to write, slipping quickly...

It as if a terminal disease is ravaging me-- I can easily watch the life of me being sucked away.

Last night, Robi said "So when do you have *nothing* to say?!"
It's a good question. I dont know. There are things to say, I suppose, but they dont capture me or I dont care and when I can find a few thoughts, I can't locate the words to express them.

I feel as if I am dying....
xXxXxXxXx murder is good x where it starts x where it goes xXxXxXxXx
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