Conspiracy 101: Destroy the Internet

written by Cheryl Norimoto

When I first came on the 'net, I used to think that people who professed "I'm gonna rule the 'Net" or such farce typical logos claiming to "destroy the 'net using it's own means" were pretty much paranoid ramblings of the 4th kind and I generally read them for entertainment value. There is nothing stranger or more hilarious as reading "conspiracy" theories about how the government is secretly subverting agents to take over the net. I laughed a lot at those. That was true until I witnessed the surgance of so-called web cities like "Geocities" and "Angelfire".

It's true they provide the millions of people with a means to have a much desired webpage so long as you have an email address and a few good web browsers to snitch a graphic here and there. But the underlaying causes remain that they are getting a whole lot more people hooked at a higher level by promising users 2 MEGS worth of FREE webpages, EZ Uploading Utilities, web counters and publicity. It's a fame game to the top by making any schmo with 'net access a million-hit page. While it's all gloriously glarmous and good, it also attributes to the fact that the 'net is getting bigger.

With at least 50 million plus users in the world and a number that will hit the billions in the course of a few years, everyone is gonna want a webpage. And who will be there to supply it? Geocities and Angelfire are nice forbidden bits of fruit to supply free service. The more they get hooked, the bigger their plans of mass market expansion begins. The take-over has begun. Geocities and simular webservices become instantly associated with big time coperations (like Netscape) for homepages. This puts small time buisness webpages out of business and a monopoly is suddenly started.

Phew. Talk about a capitalistic scenerio of mass destruction when Geocities or Angelfire suddenly become off-line. Not to mention the firm basis for which they now have a next generation of comp-heads leeching off their services, unknowingly adding to the plush ploy of their master scheme...

Yeah so I'm a hypocrite.

Geocities wants you. It calls you. All I offer is to go back to the Muse. 1