Summer Camp

A tent pitched in the valley stands almost insignificantly against the elements. What more can we say than the oak in this picture already shouts from its bleak silence. When we set out against the storms of life we all come to the same end. Not only does the mighty oak tree die. Here at least for a time, it stands sentry in the freshly tilled field as a reminder to that end. We sense the artist knows the significance in that mystery and therefore his message to each of us through his work is to learn to accept and live with that truth also.A summer cloud burst is such a brief rain yet it brings up seedlings in a day. A summer is such a short season yet the life of an oak is numbered in rings of a hundred summers. The course of a river is so relentless that the life of a mountain falls to the rain of a million summer cloud bursts. What is man in a tent that thou art mindful of him? This reminder of life's mystery is $200.

23" x 30" Pastel by Joe Cesa

Joseph Cesa
243 Church St.
S. Williamsport, PA 17701
(717) 323-0003
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