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Help Queen Shit

Some people like to offer their advice to those with problems and dilemmas. Poor Queen Shit is probably more clueless and naive than most of you, sad to say. So instead of me giving out bad advice I'll ask your for advice on various topics both serious and trivial. As a reward, anyone who gives me useful advice on a topic will be given a Turd Island Title and will be included with the rest of the nobility on the Geneaology page. Hopefully in the future I can make one of those useless little decorative awards to mark people as Turd Island blue-bloods. The question will stay up until someone answers it to Her Majesty's Satisfaction or Her Majesty figures it out for herself. And now for the question:


I am dissatified with how my page is registered on Yahoo. Is it possible to re-register it and how?

Send your advice here:masonje@diana.hollins.edu

Queen Shit thanks you for your help.

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