Why That Crazy Name?

Why That Crazy Name?

I have always liked the name Aztec Pizza. It conjures up all sorts of strange images, doesn't it? But, to me it reflects the nature of this home page, which is one of variety. On a pizza, you can have a myriad of toppings. So, too, with this page. Instead of toppings, it's topics. I don't want to be boxed in to one subject matter.

As for Aztec, well, that's a bit more nebulous. I like the sort of mystic feel it has. What were the Aztecs like? It makes me think of the Maya, the Toltecs, Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and the amazing Pyramids of Mexico, Egypt---and Mars! This makes me realize that I need to Search all of these subjects, and I'll bring back to you what I've learned.

Now, I went to art school, and in art school, the goal is to train the eye to be sensitive to detail. When you draw, you are taught to "see", not "look". Throw out your preconceived notion of that dumb cardboard box, and "see" that it is a form that has some dark shadows over here, and then it's almost white over in this section. You disconnect that side of the brain that labels it a "box". I've found that I have done this with anything I see. So I look at the letters in Aztec Pizza. I see diagonal lines in the a's and the z's. Diagonals are great! They are exciting to the eye. I also see that the name Aztec Pizza has symmetry. There are five letters in each word, perfect for designing one word above the other, as on the cover of this home page. Plus, you've got those exciting diagonal letters distributed fairly evenly between the two words. More symmetry. So, in all, a very cool name!

Run Away Screaming

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