Aimee and Melissa

  1. Melissa and Aimee’s Flip it over exercise
    1. Break through with Aimee's sister and math meet gets them chatting.
    2. A and M talk in GT, not in regular class about Brian and warning signs. Aimee getting interested. The sly Mr. Cahill makes them research partners ("I have to talk to her..." she tells Erika)
    3. In the midst of the GT talks, a rift between Aimee and Erika starts over Eric Lysander
      1. The Eric and Aimee thing comes to a head when A rather publicly disses the popular Eric. Public opinion is down on Aimee. Even Erika, "God Aimee, be mean why don't you?" Aimee tells Erika to stop acting stupid...something you never call Erika.
      2. Only Melissa says nothing, not out of any great loyalty to Aimee, (although she could see how he could be annoying) but because who cares about Eric Lysander anyway? Plus the whole girl/boy thing was stupid. Back during the two weeks they were friends in the start of the year Aimee was much more interesting when she wasn't mooning over Mike. (who started going with Bobbie Morris, then a girl in his class)

    4. So then of course Aimee is all nice to Melissa outside of GT. Sees how Melissa seems to shrug off teasing.
    5. Now that there's no Erika, A and M have open/own world thing going on, Mel knows it's cause Aim has no one else, but hey, who else is taking her research seriously?
    6. During this period Aimee gets caught up in the warning signs and urges for a confrontation!
      1. Maybe her sister didn't actually try, but was clinically depressed or had a breakdown, something that makes you suicidal. Anyway, Aimee was always jealous of her, wished horrible things and feels guilty.

    7. Aimee's a big confrontation cheerleader, dramatic, spurs Lisser on. "call me!" But it's such a disaster Mel doesn't. Aimee asks her first thing in school.
    8. I didn't break you up scene I wrote on TDS paper. Perhaps Aimee starts it with "Oh Melissa, a compass?"
    9. Aimee actually stands up for Mel at school?
    10. They are good enough friends at the end that Melissa spends the night after the Compass Excitement. First spending the night:
      1. Word games, everyone else things they're dumb
      2. Melissa tells them about Richard
      3. The whole sad compass saga comes out. Nobody laughs, outright anyway. Sort of a sly humor that wins a tiny smile from Melissa. "Stop!" says horrified Aimee, "Oh she's fine" "She's just being polite" hence begins Aimee speaking for Mel.

    11. Erika and Aimee make up at temple and an uneasy peace settles over the three. Very uneasy.
    12. Although Erika isn't much out for Melissa personally, she still is annoying in general and has her own following in the class, but there’s no more knock down drag outs like early in the year
    13. Mel is invited to A's slumber party at year's end or novel's end, her last section. A surprise sleepover given by...Erika, so a somewhat last minute invite, or perhaps Aimee's sister lets her in the busy plan, much to E's chagrin
      1. Mel there with many of her tormentors, works this thing out with Brian, he drops her off and says "look I have to be home at 11, I'll call Devil child's house at 10:30" if stay, I'll bring your stuff, if go I'll get you."
      2. Bri comes with Richard, everyone agog. Maybe Richard actually brings in the stuff
      3. "Is that Richard?" says E
      4. My friend R, says M. E makes a prissy face, but kidding, it's their first actual joke

    14. Seems what they couldn't figure out, the county and the temple did. Melissa feels a little guilty
      1. Er: "You'll like her better than me, she's smart..."
      2. Just like you need blacks, she needs Jews, say family they'll have temple


  2. By the close of the Sixth Grade, they are "best" friends ready to head to EB White Int. without Erika, because EBW has the GT program
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All material and characters Copyright 1997 Lisa Hill-Corley