Sebastian High School Drama Dept Presents Up The Down Staircase A joint production with students from E.B. White Intermediate School Director: Dale Rome Stage Manager: Jeff Kealy
CAST: by Improv Groups
=Faculity and Staff Roles =Student Roles
(Yolanda's group) Sylvia Barrett......................................Rita Benson(Yolanda’s buddy) Ellen...............................................Jessica Frietag(Cast Manager. Rita’s best friend) perfect to play Sylvia's friend Alice Blake.........................................Yolanda "Andee" Coppenhagen(Little Rita) Vivian Paine........................................Linda Morris(former 3 degree that befriends Yol.) Paul Barringer......................................Christopher Beck(Former nice guy dumped by serious girlfriend. Fancies himself some sort of Ladies’ man. Everyone thinks Yolanda has a 7th grade crush on him, including Chris.) Joe Ferone...........................................Ron Baker(Rita and Jess’s "Boy Mysterious" from the 9th grade. This is their first time acting with him. Rarely spoke to them before, big friend of Li-Chen. Jose Rodriguez.......................................Sean Day(he’s friends with Boy Mysterious) Bea Schachter........................................Laura Means(Friend of Joe Taylor’s. Rita at 1st writes her off, but she's good.)
(Troy's group) Lou Martin..........................................Troy "T-roy" Coppenhagen(Jeff Jr.) Lennie Neumark......................................David Sumner Carole Blanca.......................................Kathey Templemann(Rome wants Carole and Yolanda’s Alice played as best friends.) Linda Rosen.........................................Leaha Simpson(Troy's buddy. She's furious at being cast as a flirt so soon after her relationship with Jeff.) Rachel Gordon.......................................Donna Davis(small 9th grader. Rome says she must play her character as having a crush on Troy's Lou) Charles Arrons.......................................Dean Thomas(He’s David’s HS buddy. Clowns with them onstage.)
(Li-Chen's group) Frances Egan.........................................Li-Chen Ma(Of the other drama faction, which struggles for power with the Rita/Jess/Jeff group. Pretty much ignores seventh graders as "Jeff's idea") Sadie Finch..........................................Carrie Leath(of the mod, death to school activities crowd drama faction with Li-Chen and Sasha.) Dr. Maxwell Clarke...................................Sasha Randall(friend of Carrie and Li-Chen. Usually up for leads against Jeff.) J.J. McHabe..........................................Roy Haskell(Called Haskell to distinguish from Roy Escobar. Plays McHabe with lots of parody, apparently like some Seb teacher. Rita pisses him off, keeps distance.) Ella Friedenberg.....................................Melinda Maxwell(not really known by Rita/Jess, friend of Dean Thomas, got talked into audition. Hangs with Josh Cohen and Cindy Lynch) Charlotte Wolf.......................................Cindy Lynch(The Dean Thomas trio of friends, see Melinda.) Samuel Bester........................................Josh Cohen(Dean Thomas trio, see Melinda)
(Joe Taylor's group) Harry Kagan..........................................Joe Taylor(Jeff is able to get the SGA President to basically play himself. Many are dubious. But he’s perfect....with not a little self parody. Wins over everyone, even Li and Carrie.) Elizabeth Ellis......................................Kirsten Falls(Joe's VP, whom he convinces to be in it.) Jill Norris..........................................Rachel Gold(Joe Taylor’s SGA buddy with Kirsten Falls. "Typecasting!" cries HS drama. She has a little thing for Sasha, who shuts up Li and Carrie about it.) Rusty O’Brien........................................Jason Smith(is "snubbing" but being ignored by Rita for her cold turndown last semester. Source of fun for Jess/Yol, who wont let Clueless Rita catch on) Carrie Blaine........................................Ramona Wright(very quiet, why the Ties with Joe Taylor’s crowd, and Suzanne) Edwin Williams.......................................Suzanne Corley(only black Seb Drama student, befriends Twins) Francine Gardner.....................................Kelly Baker(ex-three degree, original best friend of Linda, gets wrapped in Michele, David, Kathey thing) Katherine Wolzow....................................Michele Lynch(ex-three degree. Breaks up Kelly and Linda. Helen Arbuzzi.......................................Deanna Rome(Rome’s daughter. He lets her take small parts in big casts in silent defiance of wife sending her to Catholic school)