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"Hell is where his heart is"

Titanic Sun

I think I love the sunsets the best.
It's bloody streaks of dripping tears,
the bruised purple cheeks,
and his solitary burning eye sinking...
-- The Titanic going down again,
-- in a frozen sky of black.
-- the stars; its fleeing passengers.

I. I sun-setting.
Lurid tears and lilac cheeks.
(My one good eye sinking.)
Titanic of the heavens,
ferrying stars across the frozen black,
striking a mountain's summit,
-- I crumble into dusk.

I think I love the sunsets the most.
It's sorrow staining my life.
The beauty behind regret
and his promised renewal of life.
-- Anticipation of tomorrow,
-- perhaps a laurel wreath or cypress branncch.
-- another blown kiss, another fallen starr....

© 1998

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