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The Ginger Revolution
Welcome to the most aesthetic of Revolutions: The Ginger Revolution.

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A treat here for those who like Ginger.. those who dont - stay away!

"Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And eat men like air."
...Sylvia Plath

Hi fans and friends. I'm so sorry that this page has not been updated for well over a year. No excuses, except that I was busy with finals, graduating, and have now entered the world of the working. So: no time on these fair hands to play. *aww.* Still, I promise to be more dedicated, and you can look forward to fairly regular updates from now on.

What's the verdict on Geri's musical career? Opinions are divided. "Look At Me" was quite catchy, if not a little transparent. Hey, I'm only being harsh because she ditched the Ginger look for something more.....blonde. ( travesty!) Geri links to follow as and when. 'Cos she was still the second best ginger in these isles.

"I tell you, if there were no blacks in this country, redhead people would get the shit. It's a serious minority, only something like 3 percent, and you definatly do get picked on at school. It's only when you punch them in the f***ing mouth and say 'If you do that again I'll kick shit out of you'Now if some meathead wants to pull that kind of shit, you just do it with words and make them look stupid"
Mick Hucknall (Simply Red) to Adrian Deevoy in Q magazine giving us his 'enlightened' view on being Ginger

Well, I reckon it's a good season for being Ginger. The Guardian said that Ginger was the coolest colour to be this season. Something to do with it being Autumn, I think. So Ginger lads and Lasses: we're cool at last! (didn't you always know it!)

e-mail me.

The Ruddy Limbs and Flaming Hair
but Desire gratified
plants fruits of life and beauty there
-William Blake

Sabrina Fair
Listen where thou art sitting
Under the Glassy coool, translucent wave
in twisted braids of lillies knitting
the loose train of thy- amber-dropping hair
Milton, Comus, 1637 'song'

All her bright golden hair
tarnished with rust

she that was young and fair
fallen to dust
Wilde, 'requiescat' 1881

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