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Hi, My name is Michelle Vince and I live in lovely Hobart, Tasmania. Welcome to my homepage. I work at the Australian Antarctic Division, a great place to work. I have been to Antarctica 3 times now. Its one of the most magical places on earth.

On the hobby front I have been making teddy bears since 1995 and I'm totally hooked! I have designed quite a few patterns of my own, but still like collecting patterns and making up the bears for myself.

My favourite artists are Sonya Heron of Heartfelt Bears, Rae Hargrave of "Teddies to Love", Gregory Gyllenship,Omis bears, Kristie Bonner,Janet Clark and Audie Sison.



A full frontal of Dennis

A little polar bear

Mother & baby

A bear I made as a swap for a friend

"Thomas" a 16" bear pattern designed by Sonya Heron of Hearfelt Bears. I made this for my sister for her 30th Birthday in March.

Tasmanian Bear Fair 1998

Click on the above to go to the bear fair! This site will be updated as details come to hand.

Favourite Links

Sharon and David Hutchins

Brookside Bears

Sonya Heron

Heartfelt Bears

Kristie Bonner

Kristies Home Page