this is a page of books that i would recommend you read if you are interested in knowing more about druidism. i've included the book's title, author, either a synopsis or a reader's review, and comments from me if they apply. my comments are in green.

to get more information on a book (like price, etc...), and/or to order it, hit the book's title. if you have read a book that you think belongs here, write me about it, please!!!

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore
by Douglas Monroe

we liked it, as did our friend jesi, but only for fictional purposes. read these very opposing viewpoints:

An entertaining and educational look into Druidism.
This book is a great way to learn more about Druidism without being bored out of your mind. It is however only about what Merlin taught Arthur. Even so it is a wonderful book, and i highly recommend it to any interested in Druidic or Celtic studies.

Inaccurate and possibly fatal.
While I do not claim great scholarship, I do feel that this book is largely a creation of the author, dealing very little with passed-on knowledge. The author claims that Druids used pumpkins, which are a New World plant. On another note, the author's misogynism is obvious and repellent. I've checked with those who have studied this area more than I, and they find no evidence that the Druids remained celibate, and have found evidence of females who were Druids. I am most concerned, however, with the herbal information, and various recipes advised in this book. These include, for example, narcissus bulbs and wormwood, both extremely danger to life or mind. Also, a ritual in this book could result in a forest fire. On the whole, I find the book at best doubtful, and at worst dangerous.