Hi, I'm Cantrix.
I am a Graphic Design graduate.
I have my Associates Degree in Engineering,
and also have a minor in art history and mathematics.
I will soon be putting up some samples of my work.
Feel free to ask me about it by sending an e-mail my way.
Please don't forget to sign my guestbook.

I enjoy writing poetry and sketching
pictures in my free time.
I am also in the process of writing a musical.
I have between 15 and 20 songs right now.

Three of the poems that I've written have been
submitted to the National Library of Poetry.
These poems appear in the books that
they publish and on their website.
If there is enough interest, I will place these poems on this site.

My page is currently under construction.
Soon I will be putting up samples from my portfolio.
I hope you enjoyed it.

Email me at cantrix3@yahoo.com or cantrix@excite.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

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