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Disclaimers: This Web site has padded walls for your protection. The hidden truths and secret revelations may cause dizziness, rapid breathing, the destruction of provincial worldviews, and slight loss of appetite. If you have a "close personal relationship" with Jesus/Allah/God/Yahweh, etc., easily offended sensibilities, censorship sympathies, a fanatical devotion to anything, a tendency toward writing angry letters, or are generally described as "anal", you should not read these pages. Regardless of what the author may claim, this site cannot cure herpes, chicken pox, obesity, or gangrene. The author will not take responsibility for any emotional problems, brain hemorrhages, spontaneous human combustions, injuries, psychoses, loss of consciousness, broken families, natural disasters, political losses, demonic summonings, or shocking revelations that result from reading this page.

If you accept these risks, then you may enter the site. If you think it may be too much for you, then go write a letter to your favorite shampoo or something.


While you're here, don't forget to look for the HIDDEN messages! Only TWO people (besides me, of course) have found them. Let me know if you do! Then you will be cool.

You are visitor Number mumble since October 27, 1997.


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