Remember how I said I would never return to Grove City? Well, today I broke my promise. But I did not return as an alumnus, but as a conqueror. Today I went because of my job, and boy, does that town suck. It takes a very special person to refuse a no cost, no commitment savings of $30+ bucks a month on their phone bills, particularly if it meant maintaining the same carrier. Stupid frigging town.
The one interesting thing that happened today was that I pitched a pet store and saw a "Yellow sunburst baboon tarantula". It was only about two inches long, and the sign said that it was very fast and aggressive, and not to handle it. What the fuck fun is that? The damn thing also just spun a burrow and sat there all the time. BOOOORING.
My tarantula is much cooler. He's bigger, for starters (a good five inches) and he's docile enough to hold without fear of being bitten. You can pet him, stroke him, and he's too slow to run away. Better yet, he doesn't burrow, and he's always visible.
I have to say that tarantulas are the perfect pet. They can live for years without food, months without water, they don't shit in the house, and they're soft and furry. All things considered, my spider is the ideal pet.
Except for my pet...uh...snake.
Speaking of snakes, on Saturday for work I had to go out with a chick from a different department, and she was pretty damn cute. She was buff, too. Any chick who can leg press 1,000 lbs. is pretty cool. I think she wanted me, too. Too bad we work together and they have rules against such things. That sucks.