Life is insanely unfair.
In case this little truth has somehow escaped your keen sense of perception, I'll cite a few examples: thr ruthless persecution of Jews, the wallowing of political fat cats in the hard-earned dollars of the people, and the my inability to get any action, leaving my mighty schlong to waste. Sure, some people, liberals and commies mostly, bitch about how everyone should be even and we should all be happy and just screw each other all the time. Granted, that would be kinda cool, but it doesn't happen.
What got me musing on the inherent inequities of life is the shattering of a long-held hope of mine. As someone with a reasonable amount of gray matter between my ears, I of course was subjected to a considerable amount of ridicule and hatred throughout my school years. (That's another way life is unfair, by the way: People love athletes, but hate geniuses.) One of the things that kept me going through those twilight years was the smug belief that someday my tax dollars would be paying for the prison cells of those bastards who tormented me in those years. I also felt the same kind of superiority to those slack-monkeys in college who drank more than they studied and scraped by with D averages.
I realized something, though. In all but a few cases, it deosn't matter how smart you are, but how well you can build a rapport with and manipulate other people. Guess who's best at that? Those people who bugged me all those years and those dudes who were slacking, partying, and getting laid all the time. To make things worse, the upper echelons of any organization are already FILLED with those people, and they look after their own.
So I'm still screwed. Those evil stupid bastards will probably end up making more money than me, getting laid more than me, and having the life I've been working for. Well, some of them anyway. I'm sure a lot of them will still end up in trailor parks.
I'm such a tool.