The O.J. Simpson School of Felonious Crime
Some people simply don't have the patience to carefully manipulate the legal system and their victims for a payoff. They want rewards immediately, and are willing to use whatever means necessary to take it. This is the school for them. Incidentally, we are proud to have Mr. Simpson as a major contributer to our school, even though, of course, he committed no crime (wink wink). Perhaps it was the gracious help given to him by some of our mobster alumni that encouraged him to donate to the school.
PHYS201- Body Building
Strength and physical dominance is important for any violent criminal. A combination of weight training ant steroid therapy ensure that our students achieve considerable mass and strength. This class must be taken each semester.(3 credits total)
PHYS202- Pain Tolerence
On alternating days for PHYS201, students are tought to endure pain and discomfort from a variety of causes. This class covers an entire year.(3 credits total)
PHYS301- Martial Arts
This class builds on the required physical education classes, making students proficient in myriad styles of armed and unarmed combat. This class covers an entire year.(3 credits total)
GUNS101- Introduction to Firearms
There is more to guns than simply using them to shoot people. This class outlines basic gun care requirements and how to obtain illegal firearms.(3 credits)
LAW344- The Law and Illegal Weapons
Laws concerning various concealment laws and legality issues across all states.(3 credits)
LAW345- Creative Defenses
Because courts frown most strongly on violent criminals, students must have a battery of defenses prepared to take the criminal system off-guard and, at the very least, gain public attention and fifteen minutes of fame.(3 credits)
JAIL101- Climbing to the Top in Prison
Prison society is based on a very simple pecking order, where the strong do what the will and the weak accept what they must in whatever orifice the strong decide to shove it into. Students learn how to intimidate, beat, and kill to become the top dog in prison.(3 credits)
ROB101- Basic Personal Robbery
Teaches the student how to best take personal items from another person with minimal trouble and legal exposure.(3 credits)
ROB102- Basic Institutional Robbery
Focusing on places like banks and convenience stores, this class is similar to ROB101 except it gives special consideration to the extra security in these targets.(3 credits)
KILL101- License to Kill
When a criminal contemplates killing someone, he or she must consider a cost/benefit analysis, weighing the rewards versus the risk of capture or retaliation. This class will allow students to make intelligent decisions whether or not to commit murder.(3 credits)
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