I've been pretty brutally honest with my rating of what I've done from four asterisks meaning that its better than some of the crap I've seen published to one asterisk, meaning crap. That is, of course, until I can think of a cooler rating system. I must also take this opportunity to inform you that if you steal any of these I swear to whatever gods you hold holy that I will hunt you down and kill you repeatedly.
So without further ado, here we go...
ART OR OBSCENITY(**) Kinda sick, but certainly different.
THE BEAST WITHIN(**) A great concept, but I choked on the plot. It needs more detail. Maybe I'll get back to that sometime. Still, it's workable.
KEEPERS (Rewritten version of Beast Within)(***) Much better, I think. I changed just about everything except the opening portion and now it works much better in my opinion. Some of the characterization may be a little weak, but let me know what you think!
Untitled (Verdencian Chronicles #1)(**) I wrote this in response to all of the know-it-all editors who consistantly told me to "show and not tell". So there. Kinda long.
Untitled (Verdencian Chroncles #2)(*) Sucks. Whereas the first try at this style was partially successful, this one was not. This is really long (over 100 double-spaced pages) so I'd skip it if I were you. Still, I've got a flair for discription...
IT LIVES IN THE CLOSET(**) Interesting. Needs reworked, but interesting.
Untitled(**) I whipped this sucker up in about two hours of frenzied writing for a creative writing class I was taking. I work well under pressure.
Untitled(**) Another experimental piece. Again, a good idea, but I need to rework it.
HALO OF DRAGONFLIES(****) This one ALMOST got published, but aparantly the magazine folded or something before it could come to print. O well...
MUTANT-KILLER(**) In my opinion, the best stories are the ones that save the punchline for the very last sentence of the story. This one does that. If only I could get the middle to work out...
NIGHTBANES(**) Another demonstration of my flair for making up a creature and describing it. The problem is, you still need a plot. I think I'll make this a part of a larger story later on.
Untitled(*) This story has a really good concept, but it didn't really work out. It was another experiment, so give me credit for that.
BLESS THE WORMS AND THE MADMEN(***) Some people tell me this is the best thing I've written. I think it's pretty cool.
LIES, LIBERTY, AND LIVER CELLS(***) I think this one is pretty cool. Let me know what YOU think.
Thats all for now, eager viewers! E-mail any comments or suggestions.