May 29, 24 J.E.

The universe hates me.

Remember the last entry about that silver lining? Well, when that silver comes off the clouds and falls right on your head it rapidly begins to suck. No sooner am I registered, ready with financial aid, and looking forward to a summer of solid slacking, than the unthinkable happens.

I GET A DAMN JOB!! As of Tuesday! And they gave me until this Monday (June 1st) to get ready and moved. So I had to discard all of the angst and superhuman effort I needed to adjust to the idea of staying in Penn State for the summer and mount a REAL superhuman effort to find an apartment and get moved in with only six days lead time. And on the seventh day do I get to rest? NOOOO, that's my first day of work! Eight o'clock Monday morning. Sheesh.

Typical. What makes the irony even worse is that within three days of accepting this other job, I received calls or Email from THREE more companies that suddenly want me. This past week I have nearly DOUBLED the amount of activiy on the job front since January, and I had quit trying! DAAAAAAAAMIIIIIIT! I don't know if any of those other jobs are any good, though, but things like this always happen. Last summer the EXACT same thing happened when I was looking for a summer job.

I swear that I am stalked by the Demon of Irony. He or, more likely, SHE, is out to get me and drive me insane by crushing my my spirit under the weight of maddening coincidence and evil machinations. I'll bet any money that if one day I do get hitched to a half-decent looking chick, SUDDENLY mondo hot chicks will find me irrestible. Of course, being the honorable man that I am, I'd be forced to spurn their advances, but I'd hate every minute of it. I'd just wait until my wife died of an...accident. Of course, once I'm single again they'll all hate me.

So, that's all bitching for now. I've got to pack and start my merry job. I'll have no phone until June 3rd, so you may take a break from your twenty-four hour vigil of watching my site for changes.

The universe makes me sick.

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