September 15, 25 J.E.


After 5 MONTHS of searching I FINALLY got a job! That's right kiddies, at long last I landed gainful employment that is more or less related to my major. I'm basically an IT analyst for a local cable company. The work seems easy and the pay isn't bad, so I took it! In 12 days I start!

It'll be great to live on my own again. It's been almost 9 months since I gave up my wonderful solitary apartment in Pittsburgh to live in MEMPHIS (hereafter referred to as Memphisto) and then came crawling back to my parents after I realized I was living with a couple of backstabbing psycho bastards.

There's nothing like living on your own. I can do what I want, watch whatever I want on TV, jerk off whenever I want. SIGH. I can't wait. I have no clue why certain idiots are so keen to get married and never experience self-reliance. Hell, that's one of the reasons I don't want to ever get married: I'm addicted to living on my own. If I do ever become mentally deficient enough to hitch myself, she'll have to get her own place. I'll just visit every once in awhile.

As anxious as I am to begin my new life, there is ONE major cloud hanging over the opportunity. I will be living in the approximate area of my Ex-Girlfriend-Turned-Evil-Backstabbing-'Ho, specifically, the King of Prussia area outside of PhilaHELLphia. Oh sure, you say, it's a big area. Odds are, I'll never run into her.

If you're thinking that, then you obviously haven't been reading all of my entries. If you had, you would have known how cruel the world is to me. I'll probably end up living right next to her. Oh fate, how you mock me!

In any case, though, I'm outta here in 10 days. 'Bout time.

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