A New Beginning


By: Philip Keck

Updated on July 9, 2006

This website needs a complete overhaul! My name is Phil. As my tuba buddy would state defiantly, "I'M A GRADUATE!" That's right, I've survived my undergraduate years at Otterbein College and, with my music diploma in hand, I will boldly go off and...study music some more! Yay! Perhaps I will be able to teach myself to tolerate opera music...we shall see!

Stay tuned....I will try to make some big changes to my webpage! I'd mostly like to add some of my original music, and continue building on my catalog on a regular basis...that way, you can all listen to my music, and I can continue developing my compositional skills! It's a win-win situation! Yeah, winning!

Ah, such empty promises...why is it I can never stay attuned to continuing a project? It probably has something to do with my lack of focus...stupid focus-fizzling!

I am going to make an attempt to have an updated journal for those around me to see what's going on in my life on a daily basis, and how I feel. Whoo!

You are Timulty. A generous soul, you happily take
basic stuff, and even more happily give it
away. Some people may think you'll never get
anywhere with that attitude, but they are
mistaken, for your personality is a pure one.

What Ozy & Mille Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla At Otterbein I am involved with various ensembles and activities:

Westerville Symphony Orchestra=Tuba!
marching band=sousaphone
wind ensemble=1st chair tubist
concert band=1st chair tubist
concert choir=tenor one
tuba/euphonium ensemble=tuba one/tuba two
brass quintet=tuba
Delta Omicron member
music theory/ear training tutor
pep band= sousaphone, perhaps mellophone?

I made it into the OPCICA Honors Band! Whoo!!

No more bio...Time to lead a (supposed) normal life. I'll try to add more information to this website...it's all about taking baby steps!

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