Ognyen's VERY Opinionated History of His SCA Times: Pt. 6

24 April, A.S. XXIX: What follows are the commentaries from my last demos and last Calontir feast.

'Twas cold and windy on that 21st morn' in the closing month of A.S. XXIX. I thought myself quite underdressed in my tunic and wool cloak. I unloaded my wagon and set up my display of wares for this, our sixth annual demonstration for Southern Eastheart's celebration of the earth on which we live. The banner for the house of Lost Fen flew proudly, though the wind stretched it horizontal.

I waited, and shortly appeared Lord Parthalon, his lady Roseamund and daughter. They placed their wares, and Parthalon set out armor and weapons.

The children began arriving, making their first stop the privies. We were soon after, graced with their presence at our displays. Lords Justasien, Miguel and Lady Dorenn arrived, and their wares too, were displayed. At around noon, Lord Duncan and his lady arrived, and with now two fighters, fighting commenced, drawing still more children.

Throughout the day, my table was surrounded, often three deep, with children inquiring about this item or that. I had many return customers from previous years, bringing their friends to ponder my many inexpensive wares. I had 2 particular memorable visitors, and 1 comment which stuck in my head.

A lady excitedly looked upon my box of polished stones and matter-of factly stated to her friends, "Ooo, look! Petrified rocks!" I smiled, withholding laughter, and said, "And for a mere 25 cents, one can be yours." I did not correct her, as it could have been embarrassing to her in front of her friends. The visitors of note were memorable for different qualities.

A young man stood before my table for a bit, then said, "I know you!" I looked up and asked if he could refresh my memory. He went on to say that his hair was longer, and that we met at the Renaissance Festival. I started to think he might be somewhat familiar, and he told me how I had mounted a stone for him and did not even charge him for it. I remembered that stone-mounting and how pleased he looked when he departed. I never thought that'd be a fond memory for him. I didn't admit to him that I did not truly remember him. The other memorable kid was a lady of about 13 or 14 years old.

I had run out of my stock of mounted stones, when this young lady bought 8 un-mounted polished rocks for the chain headdress she bought earlier. She wished to have them mounted, and I explained that the mounted stones were being sold so inexpensively as a way for me to reduce weight for my up-coming move, and that I really couldn't mount more for that price, especially with so many more kids wanting them. I ended up giving in to her request, at least in part. I don't know what it is, but I have a hard time saying "No" to a little girl, particularly when a look of sad disappointment starts to cross her face. (My daughter can talk me into nearly anything.) I said "I tell you what I'll do. I'll show you how to make the mounts, and you can mount these and other stones for yourself." In the process of showing her how, I ended up mounting 4 of her stones for her. She caught on, and before long, she was showing half a dozen other ladies, from 5th through 9th grade, how to do it. They were all huddled around my supply chest, using it as a table for their work. It was fun to watch this lady go from disappointment, to student and on to instructor.

Parthalon and Duncan fought while Justasien marshalled. The lady anachronists merchanted and told about their wares of beaded rings, candles and scents. Miguel demonstrated and merchanted his weavings, and I merchanted and told about my crafts. (mka) Mark Talbot, another anachronist, showed up to lend a hand as he could. The owner of Eastheart's paper stopped by my table and asked if I could provide an article to go along with some of the photos he had taken. I said that I would.

No teachers inquired about demo's for their schools. Despite the lack of information requests, it was a most productive day. I reduced my inventory immensely.

The following day, after having my dragon re-shod, I paid a visit to another demo, in Eastgate. This one, the third annual Eastgate demo, was well attended by anachronists, even from surrounding branches. I stopped to make an appearance, though out of period garb. I spoke with several gentles on various topics. Our seneschal, Lord Ferogain, introduced me to the regional deputy kingdom seneschal and recommended I be put on the seneschal's advisory listing to offer advice to other seneschals in Calontir. Master Gerald, the Gold Falcon Herald, told me that my device had finally passed kingdom and was off to SCA for approval. I bid them all farewell, and departed.

Today, while at work with the Mundanian Air Force, my sponsor from Grand Forks called me and we spoke for a time. He then asked if there was anything he could do for me. I asked him if he knew anything about a local SCA group. He said he certainly did, and gave me the farspeaker contact number for Sylvia Bertot. I called her and she, in turn, gave me the number for the seneschal, Lynn Knickerbocker. I called her and got her address. I shall be writing for more answers to questions, rather than to run up our farspeaker costs. I don't know whether to be disappointed or happy. I guess I should be happy, because I don't have to get wrapped up in politics right away. I had fun planning for the "new" branch anyway.

26 April: Yesterday, I delivered the article to Eastheart's paper. The owner said that he would do considerable editing, as I used personal pronouns. This is difficult, as I feel the SCA is a personal organization. Time will tell how it will turn out. Tomorrow is the day the paper comes out. I shall look in that issue to see if the article appears, if not, I shall have to wait 'til next week.

5 May A.S. XXX: The Rumor Mill is working again. Tonight, I heard, from Lord Parthalon, that Lady Molly had been told by the Queen, that our event was to be held at a non-primitive site this year, and that it would bear an Arts and Sciences theme with Molly as autocrat. Lord Ferogain also moved feast-time, without consulting his populace. Lady Nicollet of Blasted Heath heard of the Queen's request, and thought that did not sound right at all. She is a friend of the Queen, and knows that she loves camping. She called and the Queen is alleged to have said that she told Molly nothing of the sort. She said that she wished to see more Arts and Sciences at events, but that seemed to be about it. She apparently said nothing about our event's site, theme, nor about who would run the activities. Saying things like this run contrary to how our Society is operated. It is well known that it is wrong to attempt to get into the area of another officer, even if one is royalty, without the officer's consent. For a queen to tell any group how to run their event, except if it might be Crown Tourney or Coronation, does not sit right at all.

A meeting is being held tonight at Parthalon's place in hopes of clearing up the disagreements. I hope all goes well, and that it doesn't serve to only support a mutiny against our seneschal, and Ly Molly, who wants to do what she feels is best for the group. I've not spoken with Molly, so I know not her side of the story.

6 May: James Gilbert called me today to inform me that he was back in the nearby kingdoms from Greece. He'll be living in the Outlands, but wants to keep in touch with Lost Foresters. When I get my new address, I shall be sending it to him. His address is: Jim Owens, P.O. Box 9674, Cheyenne WY, 82003. Also today, I picked up 2 copies of the North Eastheart news. We have a writing published on our group. Though it is not exactly as I submitted it, it gets the point across. I look forward to tomorrow when I can hear how last night's meeting went.

Below is the letter I plan to give to the populace at feast:

7 May, A.S. XXX

I bid greetings to the populace of the Stronghold of Lost Forest, and all others who may hear or read these words!

Long-time friends who have seen Lost Forest from its near-birth, remember that bad times will always give way to good. Try always to forget old differences and to foster good relations with all. Consider and accept new ideas. Act upon the good ones, no matter what the source. You are the people to whom new members look for the example of behavior, for advice, and for knowledge of the Society. Be "The Dream." One gentle in particular deserves special mention. He has been with Lost Forest from the beginning and seen it through the good and bad times without deserting the group - always remaining loyal. He helps immensely, even with those tasks which are found by many to be disgusting. Never have I heard him raise his voice in anger, and I know that he has had much opportunity. He has always shown kindness to all, and he is not one to hold a grudge. "The Dream" of courtesy, chivalry, honor, dedication, kindness, and so much more, are lived by Lord Parthalon "the bold" MacKeon. To you, Parthalon, I give yet another task: Keep "The Dream" alive in Lost Forest.

Brothers and sisters in the Phoenix, insure that you do not let the words honor and chivalry become mere words: live them. Others are not sworn to that which we are; do not begrudge them for not living up to your expectations. Do not let yourselves be controlled by anger. Behave always as you would like others to behave toward you. Never forget your oath nor the Code of Chivalry.

Members of the general populace, remember always that others have ideas and opinions which may differ from your own. This does not make them wrong. People, for the most part, think and do that which they feel is right. Respect the thoughts of others. Agreeing to disagree is often a very suitable solution to conflict.

I have enjoyed many good times with this branch, but I must now move on to the Kingdom of the Middle. Lost Foresters, and other acquaintances throughout Calontir, you shall be in my thoughts always. My experience with you has been such that I will strive always, to remain active in some capacity in our Society, no matter where I may go. I have spoken with 2 anachronists in my new branch or the Shire of Rudivale, and look forward to meeting many more. I find that all Society members are my friends.

Often I have been frustrated and angered over politics, but my negative attitude is always cheered by a young smiling face at a demo; the awe-struck look of one who sees, for the first time, the many things we do; and the happiness displayed by a new member when he or she finds acceptance within our group. I also, most thoroughly enjoy re-discovering old pastimes with a new friend, and sharing ideas with old ones. We may, at times, find ourselves at odds, but we are truly family through "The Dream."

May Calontir, Lost Forest, and friendships never die, and may Lost Forest strive to make "The Dream" into "The Reality."

Fare thee well friends,
In Service,

It's not meant to sound too sentimental, though that is how it seems to come across. It's to be summed up as 'I love the SCA. It's great as long as you don't let the small stuff get you down. Learn to live with all the membership!'

8 May, A.S. XXX: At the meeting of 7 May, 21 members of our populace were present. This is a good majority of our active membership. The major upset was over our seneschal's (Ferogain) disregarding SLF tradition or event planning meetings. He asked planning members when good times for meetings might be, and fighter practices were settled upon. At last minute, he cancelled on numerous occasions. The group elected to proceed without him.

One issue was the site. Six sites were considered: two Boy Scout camps, a Girl Scout camp, a Church group camp, a city park, and a very primitive site. The drawbacks of the first four were size, cost, and site rules (dry). The city park was free, clean, and the city was bending over backward to get us to be noticeable there, as they are considering bidding for the rumored-to-move Renaissance Festival. The drawbacks of this site were its size, rules, and easy access for the public. With the State Fair going on during the time of the event, spectator proximity would prohibit archery, and severely limit fighting. Our equipment would be constantly exposed to snooping mundanes, and even theft. State Fair Saturday night could likely bring drunks driving by, leering at and trying to pick fights with the men in "dresses and tights." Site six is on over 40 acres and is free. Its drawback was its total lack of facilities. Toilet and water problems were to clear up with port-a-thrones and water trucks. Shower and modern sleep comfort difficulties were to clear up with many offers of nearby crash space and conveniences. Site six was selected, with cooking the only un-resolved problem. Site selection was fun, because Ferogain and Molly wanted the city park. At feast, Ferogain abandoned the city park idea when he realized the State Fair would be on. Molly still wanted it, though she didn't protest the group's selection too much. (I'm sure they'll hear about it later though.)

The event's theme was the next issue to be resolved. Molly claimed that she had been told by the queen, that HRM wanted an Arts & Sciences competition event, on a modern site, and that Molly was to be in charge. A more likely explanation of the queen's attempt to run our event might be that she said she'd like to see such an event before she stepped down, and for Molly to check into its feasibility. The group, at the meeting, thought we could do an event like this, but it would have to be other than for Tribal Revelries VI.

Earlier, upon hearing Molly's claim, Nicollette called Her Majesty to verify the questionable story, in a very politically correct manner. She didn't start off by "Did you really say..." nor by "Molly claims that...". She told HRM about the city park site, and that it would greatly limit fighting and that we'd settled on a primitive site which was amply large, and that it was limited by only SCA rules. She went on to explain the combat-olympic-style games, and the numerous A&S competitions, particularly the performing arts. The queen said we'd have to have fighting to get any attendance, and that our planned activities sounded great. She did not say she'd rather have a strictly A&S event, nor that it had to be on an improved site, and made no mention of who was to run the event. The A&S event the queen suggested was mis-interpreted, and Molly saw a chance for a pat on the back. The A&S event will work, but as a separate event.

Ever since I gave up the office of MoA/S, Molly has had, what I feel, a sick lust for the office. She has shown resentment toward the last two MoA/Ss and our MoA. Molly refused to even acknowledge the two MoA/Ss who succeeded me. The event she apparently wanted to change TR VI into was intended to make everyone think she was best suited for the office, or at least it looked like that to me. Molly's ways of getting what she wants, almost always, offend a great many in the group. She didn't lie about the queen's request; she twisted it to suit her own desires. She and Ferogain have so much to offer. I wish them both the best of luck.

The rest of the feasters arrived around 7:00 and we had about 35 in attendance. My letter was read to the populace by Ferogain, and seemed to be well accepted. The issues and concerns were voiced, and the group's desires were accepted with almost no opposition. Molly was visibly upset, but did not address her frustrations. Maybe she's finally learning self-control. She did, however, get angry and slam her chair under the table when Ferogain said "So be it" after inquiring about feast time with the group responding with 5:30. The display of anger and her fussing to others in the corner were my last memories of Molly. I sincerely hope she can find contentment somewhere.

Feast was over around 8:30, and after cleaning up, some of us hung around to talk. Justasien, Dorenn, Nicollette, Parthalon, Roseamund, and I, were all to remain. We talked of old times, and of SLF's future. Justasien asked about households, and I suggested that he write to his new house-lord to ask about what is entailed by being a member. I reminded Dorenn that I had many herbs for her to get, if she wants them. Roseamund, despite recent developments, thanked me for introducing her to the SCA. I said it was the 9 April A.S. XXVIII demo which made the introduction. She said, "Yeah, but it was you I called, and I wasn't put off, even after meeting you. I probably wouldn't have joined if Ferogain was the first seneschal I met." Parthalon thanked me for introducing Roseamund to the Society as well. (See 6 Nov, A.S. XXIX.) Roseamund said that I had nothing to do with him meeting her, and that it was Parthalon who followed her to my van to say, "So, I guess I'll be seeing you again?" As they left, I said to Parthalon, "Don't do anything to make her mad at me." To Roseamund, I said, "Don't make him mad at me." We parted friends.

12 May: I ran into Parthalon while on a visit to Westheart. As I thought, considering Molly's attitude at feast, we hadn't heard the end of her fit over the event. She is said to be leaving Lost Forest for good, as no one lets her do anything her way. Lord Ferogain is said to be stepping down from the seneschalate. This might be a good thing for SLF, as he has such strong ties to Molly and what she says. The only fear in this is that rather than Parthalon, Ferogain might be leaning toward choosing Lord Manfred for seneschal. Manfred has a cold attitude toward dissention, and is very likely to overlook ideas coming from "whiners."

Thus endeth this (Lost Forest part of the) chronicle.
In service,
Lord Ognyen Fenlander, C.C.S., C.L.M.
first Minister of Arts and Sciences for the Stronghold Lost Forest, in the Kingdom of Calontir.
member House Hrafnsheim.
honorary member Healers.
merchant of the Oak Bay Trading Company.
member Lost Forest's Brotherhood of the Phoenix.
Guardian of the Lost Fen.
recipient of 2 Lost Forest Cords for service.
fourth Historian/Archivist of Lost Forest.
sixth Chronicler of Lost Forest.
second Castellan of Lost Forest.
fourth Seneschal of Lost Forest.
and now, member of the populace at large.

Departing this Stronghold of Lost Forest, in the Kingdom of Calontir, for the Shire of Rudivale, in the Kingdom of the Middle.

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