Now we move on to cell # 1890, where resides Swifty. I know a little about her from her case portfolio Like all the other inmates here, she obsessed (might we say crazed) with Newsies. She loves all the newsies but in particular, she LOVES Swifty, Jake and Bumlets.
NOTE: Don't say anything bad about them or she just might go ballistic on you.
Swifty's 19 yrs. old and was turned in by her parents and 2 friends. They supposedly been brainwashed when they attended one of the wardens seminars. Keep Swifty away from Todd, one of Wardens oafs. Swifty split his lip while trying to bring her to the asylum and now Todd has it out for her. Swifty can be heard singing Showtunes and has a secret collection of Newsies Pictures. Just don't bother her after the warden has given her the shot. The shot has different side effects on all the inmates everytime it is given to them. Sometimes it knock her out for days at a time and sometimes she becomes very violent. Beware!!!!!!!