Day 1

Well, It happened. My parents said if I kept watching it they would turn me in. You know somthing.. I don't think they were kidding! Everyone seems OK.. (The roomies I mean.. I haven't made any friends yet, me being the new guy, but I don't think anyone knows I am really here) But the head lady is a real pill! And Travis, her "Side Kick" gives me the creeps BIG TIME. He keeps eyeing me weirdly. I am so lonley. But I did see this one guy. He is soo cute.. I think his name was Sean, but I am not sure. The "wardons" goon just came in and gave me some sort of weird shot. I feel really weird.. Everything is tingling. I am supposed to remeber somthing.. Newsies. Newsies.. Newsies.. New.. Wait, what is it called again? Where am I? What is going on?? There are voices coming from the vent.. They are asking me what happened.. Problem is, I don't remeber. They told me not to forget somthing called Newsies.. That sounds vaguly familiar. Oh well, more updates later!

Um... My name was.. What?? DODGER!!!

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Read The REST of the Notebook (hint.. Nut House Newsie's original story) 1